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Make Snowballs, Make MONEY Online!??


Hi All.  I am George Pierce, in this post, I will be sharing how snowballs will make you rich.

There are two powerful money-making levers that the Internet offers that create wealth.

The following will explain.  It is a copy of a video script that will be published soon.  My

intent is that the message that is enclosed may make a difference in your online adventure,

and perhaps, change your life.


We are going to look at two unique aspects of making money online. These are two important financial levers that are not available with a regular J. O. B. One lever is called the cumulative effect, the other is called the snowball effect, In this video, you are going to see that making money online can have a happy ending.

The only way that your online adventure can have an unhappy ending, the only way to fail at making money online is to quit. Whether you are making money online, as an affiliate marketer, a blogger, an email marketer, a YouTuber, a social media influencer, and so on, the secret to your success is to persist.

When you persist, when you apply consistent action, on the Internet, each action, has a cumulative effect. what this means is that your online business grows. Your affiliate marketing base expands, your blog grows, your email list grows, your YouTube channel grows, your social media base grows, and so on. Each day your business moves forward, each day is a day that your efforts accumulate.

The cumulative effect has staggering possibilities, so why would anyone ever want to quit?

Newbies fail to see. Newbies are blind.

They do not see the fact that they are learning and growing. Most newbies compound this lack of insight, by failing to see the growth that is happening with their business.

Most newbies focus on money. Believe it or not, that is wrong. In fact, their focus on money adds to their blindness.
To most newbies, no money, little money, or not as much money as expected, means that their online business is failing. Therefore, they fail to see the progress that is being made. Progress that is not measured in dollars and cents, but real progress, nevertheless.

What most newbies fail to see is the fact that their efforts are accumulating. Of course, some newbies are not aware that online ventures provide this awesome effect.

Now that you are aware of this phenomenal effect, let's say that you decide to apply consistent effort. realizing that growth is not always going to be obvious, especially when your online adventure is new.

When you are willing to hang in there, something amazing is about to happen. That amazing something is called the snowball effect. Just as a snowball gets bigger and bigger as it rolls downhill, so will your online business.

You will find examples of this all over the Internet, such as huge websites, red hot blogs, gigantic YouTube channels, and so on. When you are a newbie, however, wrapping your head around millions of visits, millions of views, or millions in revenue, may be almost impossible, and therefore almost unrelatable.

Allow me to show you an example where the cumulative effect is still in its infancy and the snowballs are still very tiny. 



This is a snapshot of a YT channel as of August 20th. The channel was started in the middle of January, so it was just over 7 months old. By the way, all the views for this channel are organic, in other words, they are all free. The channel's monthly rate of growth as of the 20th was about 1,280 views...That means that the channel should hit about 10,280 views in the next month, It should hit 10,000 views in about 23 days.

The channel's watch time growth has been about 110 hours per month, so in about a month, the channel should have about 895 hours of watch time.

What you are seeing now is a snapshot of the channel, seven days later, not a month later, 7 days later.



The channel was due to hit 10K views in 23 days, it took 7 days. The channel was due to hit 895 hours of watch time in a month, it hit over 923 hours in 7 days.

What is happening is that the snowball effect is starting to kick in.

Making money online is real, it can be done, and it will exceed your imagination...UNLESS YOU QUIT.


Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  Allow me to invite you to visit my channel for free Internet Marketer Training.


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  • Top Member

    You rock George Pierce and your stats show it. What great advice you're sharing with people. Keep it moving in the right direction and I'm sure you will do just that. 

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