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Making Money Online - How?


Making Money Online - How?

A common question I get from new marketers is,

"How can I make money online?"

Frankly, that is a wrong question.

You got to understand one thing.

Money is an exchange of values.

Instead of asking, "How can I make money online", you should ask,

"What value can I provide to the online community?"

The more values you can provide, the more people are willing to give you money, in exchange of those values.

Syndication Express was started in 2008. Till today it is still growing strong.

One of the reasons is because I keep on adding more values to the members.

Another thing you need to understand is this,

No one can teach you how to make money.

Again, it is because money is an exchange of values.

To make money, you have to provide values. But the value that everyone can provide is different.

For example, I love to create systems to help people online.

That is the value that I can provide. It is also the way I make money online.

Your strengths and the values that you can provide may be different from mine. So my way of making money may not be suitable for you.

Although the way we make money may be different, the basic is still the same, that is to provide values in exchange of money.

You may ask, "What if I have no value to provide?"

You cannot have no value.

There is one value that you'll surely have.

That value is time.

With time, you can learn skills. The more skills you learn, the more values you can then provide.

In the case of internet marketing, you can learn how to build a blog, how to do copywriting, how to build a list etc, and you can teach these skills and build more followers.

The more you learn, the more you know and the more values you can provide.

Eventually you will reach a point where you can identify a problem in your preferred niche, have a solution for it and provide that solution using the values that you can provide. That's where the big money is.

Here's another of my system I created for marketers. 


It's called Global Advertising, watch the video to learn more about it.

Terri Pattio


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Terri Pattio - Founder/Owner of Syndication Express.

Creator of TP Twitter strategy and Social Media Strategist

Owner of Winning Domains and Small Business Websites

Click on my picture to message me if you have questions or need more information.
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Terri Pattio



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