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Mistakes Can Mean Success!


Hi Everyone!  I am George Pierce, and this post is about why you must not be afraid to make mistakes and why the Internet is one of the most RISK-FREE places to make mistakes.  In life and business, success belongs to those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone, to take risks, and to be willing to make mistakes.  Mistakes can be costly in more ways than one, so caution is important, but when caution turns into fear, you lose.  What is worse is that most of us are afraid of failure... but we fail to see that fear of failure, KILLS success.  

Presently I am trying something NEW online, but come to think of it, I am almost always trying something new online.  Why?  I will not know if I do not try.  You will not know if you do not try.   You might what!  And the sweet spot of failure is that you learn!  Yeah, failure is your best teacher, so you must be willing to try, and you must be willing to fail.  

Guess What!

Some of your online trials will not fail!  They will succeed.  But they will not succeed if you do not try.  

About a year ago, I tried something new, building a YT channel, I have been on YT for years, but as an affiliate marketer, I used YT to drive traffic to my websites and squeeze pages.  This new venture has turned out to be so much fun.  It has also given me a chance to try all kinds of things, many of which I had not tried before, and at virtually no risk.  

A few months ago, I tried creating a FB Group...

it was not my first group, but I have been going out of my way to OVER 'engage' which was new.




It is working, but it would never have worked without trying. My benefit (and it can be your benefit if you try it) is that I love to talk with people, so I am enjoying this so much, from a business point of view,  FB and YT see this engagement, and they love it, my videos and posts are considered to be 'engaging' so they get more exposure.  

You will not know if you do not try.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. If you are wondering what is the newest thing that I am trying, it is a 'short video', people love short videos, TT, IG, and FB reels are proof.  So I am adding short videos, but not shorts, presenting them as EXTRAs, and testing the water.  If it does not work, no big deal, and I learned something.  If it does work, well...I would not have known, if I had not tried. Watch this short tribute to Alex and you will see what I am doing. 

Click to visit Mr. P's Game Show Fans Channel.

PPS.  For free help with affiliate marketing training and YT training, visit my training channel.

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  • Top Member

    Excellence once again George Pierce this post makes me think about the quote "Winners never quit and quitters never win." Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge here in the SE community. 

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