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Need An Image? Logo? Thumbnail?


Hi ALL!  I am George Pierce, this quick post is about how to get free AI images.  The above image (thumbnail) was made with AI almost instantly and for free.  Images help you to tell your story and a well chosen or well made image can help you get more views or more visits or more click-throughs or more sales.  Creating a perfect image, however, can be difficult to impssible for many of us. 

The right image vs. the wrong image vs. little to no images:

Most newbies seem to opt for the 'wrong' images or little to no images!  Images are such a powerful lever, but because we lack the skill or the creativity for generating great images, we unintentionally miss out on this benefit. 

NOT Any More!

You can now use free AI to create outstanding images!  Simply type in what you want, be as specific as possible, and your perfect image will appear.  The above image was made with CoPilot, it took two tries, which was my fault...that is why I say be as specific as possible.  CoPilot and ChatGPT will create amazing images for free, I believe the free options have a limit of 2 images per day.  There are also dozens of free online sites such as Aitubo and Open Art that you can use to create awesome images.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce



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