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Carolyn Coleman Grady, RN BSN

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    Thank you Robin. My son stopped by with an electric car. He pulled out the charger and heavy duty cord. I asked what's it for. Of course right away to charge the car. I had tones of question. He was able to answer. I guess I'm not with the program either. Technology is as good as it is in the minds and hands to control it. And I agree with you, if in the wrong hands it can be devastating. I'm hopeful. My passion is to advocate for seniors and raise a standard against fraud in their lives. 

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      To be honest Carolyn, I could do without all this technology.  Children don't go out to run and play anymore they're glued to a screen, on social media, TV or video game.  Which has made them unhealthy.  We used to walk everywhere when I was a child, teenager.  And even as a young adult I walked and caught the bus.  I know you can't stop "progress", but I wonder, is it really?  

      Your passion is wonderful endeavor.  It's so sad what happens to the elderly and in the Pandemic, becuase of measures taken, many went to a premature death, alone without family.  I know elder abuse is real, I heard people talk about it first hand.  Which is why I could never work in a nursing home.  I truly wish you success in your business because we need people like you.  By the way, nice Website. 

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      Oh thank you Robin. I sure invite you to subscribe. I'm awaiting 501c3 approval. 
      tecnology has a huge affect on our children there are some inactive and sedentary, putting  them at risk for heart disease and multiple other chronic disorders later in life. Parents will need to monitors and shut these systems down. It's important for parents, to develop a time frame for its use. One way is to plan an exercise program that the whole family can participate.  We have much work to do. But starting in the home is pivotal. I appreciate your dialogue with me. 

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    Good food for thought Carolyn. I have to admit I like it when man controls technology and not the other way around.  Sometimes I feel like we're in an episode of the Movie "Maximum Overdrive".  I see where technology can be good, making things easier and bad, taking jobs away.  

    I love the quote from Paul Litchfield.  That's so true and many people never realize.  Time is the greatest gift I can imagine.  

  • Top Member

    This is great stuff Carolyn. 

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