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Newbies Often Worry About The Wrong Things!


Hi All. 

I am George Pierce.  With over 20 years of trying to learn Internet Marketing, I have discovered an uncountable number of ways to do things wrong and a handful of ways to do things right.  In an effort to give back, I do my best to share my successes and my failures in order to help you in your online adventure. 

Above is a snapshot from one of my YT channels.  The channel is about 3 and 1/2 months old and I believe that most newbies might see a much different picture than I do. And here lies the problem, in fact, a problem that can derail everything.  HUH?

I am going to jump ahead to the moral of this post, which is that it is easy to get caught up in the wrong priorities, which can lead to engaging in the wrong activities.  What you want to do, of course, is engage in the right activities.

When you are a newbie, it can be hard to know what to focus on, and it can be easy to focus on the wrong things.

What I am going to do is to share my perspective vs. a newbie perspective, my intent is to help you to focus and to stay focused on the right activities.


Newbie: How am I ever going to get 1K subscribers?  I had better start asking everyone to subscribe,    

Me.  Yes, give everyone an opportunity to subscribe...but do NOT get needy. A funny thing about subscribers or members is that this is something that you do not have to worry about,  Your site will grow, your forum will grow, your channel will grow, and members or subscribers will appear.  It happens and when it does, it will snowball.  When I get to 4K hours of watch time, I will probably have more than 1K subs, if not, I know a few social media tricks that will fix things.



3.3K views is not a lot of views, I have got to get more views.


The amount of views is up about 33% (from 2.5K about 10 days ago).  Views are like money, and like subs, they WILL happen.

Watch Time:


I need more watch time. In order to get monetized, I need 333 hours a month (4K a year).  I have to get more watch time.


Watch time is up about 20%. I need to do more of whatever videos are getting views and keep my eyes open for videos that will get views. 

Top Videos:


Game shows seem to be what people want to watch.


Game shows seem to be what people want to want.  I will put more focus on game shows.

Our stats tell us a lot and they can help us, but Internet marketing and video marketing is a process that is deceptive. Although our stats do not lie, we are often engaging in the right activities, perhaps we can refine those activities such as focusing more on whatever is working, however, you and I must remember that our efforts will accumulate and will snowball. In the beginning it always seems to be too slow, once things do happen, you will be awed at the sudden growth.  

Before you panic, take a step back and take a look at what you are doing,  If it seems that you are already engaged in the right activities, you simply might need to hang on and let time take its course,  



Doing more of what works is sound advice for both of us.

Recently on FB ( I do a lot of sharing on FB), I noticed that Captain Kangaroo, the one with Mr. Moose above, is getting all kinds of attention, like after like and comment after comment  I am a big Captain Kangaroo fan, but, I still did the research, people love Captain Kangaroo, not just me.

And it so happens that Internet Archive, my video source, has a few full episodes available.  

When we give people what they want, such as Captain Kangaroo shows, what is supposed to happen, is that these shows should get lots of views and that the viewers are more likely to watch them longer, if not to the very end.  

In other words, here is an example of how I am trying to continue to engage in the right activities with more focus on what is working. 

I also have downloaded more game shows.

I do not have a crystal ball, but I am confident that the above stats will double and double and double, about every 6 weeks. 

Ny snowball has started to roll, I hope that your snowball has started to roll, so let's both keep pushing and watch it grow.

Thanks for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  If you would like to visit my YT channel, it is about vintage TV, movies, commercials, and cartoons.

If that interests you, please visit.

PPS.  Most IMs that you see are influencers and do not do.  I think it is nearly impossible to teach if you do not do. 



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  • Top Member

    You have covered a lot in this blog post and people will benefit from your experiences and advice about Youtube and having success with their channel. Here's to your continued success George Pierce 

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