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The Problem With Goals!??


Hi Everyone.  I am George Pierce and the reason for this post is that I am excited about hitting a short-term goal today, The goal was on my new YT channel, it was 9.0K views in 28 days.  That is only about 321 views a day, a little over 13 views an hour.  Believe it or not, one of my long-term goals is 5K views per hour and another is 10K.  

Goals are great, they can help us to keep focused, they can help us to keep motivated, and to renew our motivation when they are achieved.

The problem with goals!??

Goals can also present us with what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle.  Goals can be a constant reminder that we are not succeeding, a constant reminder that we are failing.  The real problem is NOT our goals, however.


When goals seem to be a problem, the real problem lies with us. 

#1: The problem might be with the way we are going about setting our goals.  Long-term goals are essential, but long-term goals only will probably seem daunting after a while.  This means that we also need short-term goals.   I suggest that you make short-term goals that you can achieve in a matter of days or weeks, certainly within a month.  Goals have a very positive effect on us, but when goals are unmet for too long a period, they can become negatives (problems).  Even though they are not the problem, if we perceive them negatively rather than positively, they become negative.

So set short-term goals that you can achieve in a short time, such as a month or less.  When you achieve them, make new ones.

#2" We are not doing our part.  If we set a realistic short-term goal and we fail to achieve it, the problem is going to lie with us. There may be some thing or things that we are not doing or that we are doing wrong and good short-term goals will help us to realize that we need to figure out why we are not going forward as planned, so we can fix it.


Above are snapshots from today of my latest online adventure.  It is a way to make money on YouTube without making videos.  I share my Faceless Video strategy and exactly how I am using it in a step-by-step training video.  No skills are needed, there is no need to make a video or be on camera or even do a voice-over, and your cost is ZERO.  If making money online interests you, watch my Faceless Video Training video.

Now that I have hit my goal, I need to take my own advice and come up with another short-term goal that I can achieve in about 30 days.  I will give it a little thought...and I will do one more thing.

I will look at the last few months (on YT that will be 28 days and 90 days, which is how they present their stats).  My point is that I will look at recent previous stats and previous performance.  A problem that we can have with setting realistic short-term goals is that we set them with our hearts and not our brains.  It is easy to check your recent stats, so allow them to help you to create goals, short-term and long-term, that will help you and your online adventure.

Thank you for reading.

Much Success,

George Pierce

PS. H R Pufnstuf has come to life and when something works, do more of it.  The middle snapshot shows that the next H R Pufnstuf video " The Magic Path" that was uploaded today is on page one, the third spot of YT search, for the episode The Magic Path.  This is all done with Tubebuddy which is free and I cover all this and more in my Faceless Video training video.  

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