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I am George Pierce.  Above is a snapshot of one of several new Facebook groups that I joined. What happened is that my FB account was hacked.  It took several days and many hoops to get it fixed.  In the meantime, I quickly opened new accounts in three niches, one of those niches is classic television because I have a classic television channel. In the above snapshot, the video is a recent video uploaded to my channel and once I post a video, I share it on social media sites such as Facebook for more exposure, and more views.  

FB is responsible for about 40% of my views, and my prospects of getting my accounts restored were not too bright.  All the groups that I have joined are all in my FB accounts, which I cannot access. So I am setting up fam pages and groups and joining groups right and left in an effort to maintain my FB traffic. 

I did rejoin many of my old groups by way of my newly set up FB accounts, I also added a number of new groups, the above is one that has almost 230K members.  

My hacked FB accounts were restored, and one of the benefits is this new group which adds a lot more exposure.

My initial guesstimate was that this FB disaster (disasters are often blessings in disguise) ended up increasing my overall FB exposure by about 300K, it is more like 500K!

What is my point?

If you are on FB, consider making an effort to expand your FB reach.  

If you are not on FB, consider creating a FB page and a FB group. It is easy, FB will walk you through it in about two minutes. You will gain a lot of new exposure for your website, YT channel, blog, etc.

Thanks for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. For more free training, I invite you to visit my IM Training channel:


PPS.  If you like classic TV, old movies, old commercials, and old cartoons. check out Mr. P's Classic Television channel

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  • Top Member

    Something good came out of a bad experience. I'm happy to hear your great news, you deserve it. Your knowledge and wisdom will be helpful for a lot of people.

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