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Pinterest Academy Is FREE!


Hi All!  I am George Pierce and this post is about a free online learning platform by Pinterest, Pinterest Academy. 

Making money online gets easier and easier when you learn what you need to do, and it is virtually impossible if you do not learn.  Based on my experience and opinion, there is a problem, in that most training is lacking.  One exception is Neil Patel's training.   He is one of the very few that includes proper niche research, for example, which includes looking at the amount of competition.  I do not understand why, but most gurus and most online training omit this essential component, and it is essential.  In other words, most training that can help you make money online is not worth recommending. It may claim to be complete, but it is not. Neil Patel's Affiliate Marketing for Beginners is the exception.  

Getting back to Pinterest Academy.   Pinterest wants you and me to make money with Pinterest, it is a win-win situation, and I am pleased to share that it is complete training.  I am delighted to see that Pinterest has put together a training course, but what I expected to find was the basics, what I did not expect to find was the research and the marketing and more.  


The training is extensive and complete, yet it is beginner-friendly, and well thought out, which makes it easy to follow and understand. You can go at your own pace and there is no cost. All you need to do is to log in if you are already a member, if not, you can become a member for free.  The training is superb.  I have created several courses valued at $997 or more, and Pinterest Academy is worth more, even though it is free.  

If making money online interests you, check out Pinterest.  If you like what you discover, and you will, join the Pinterest Academy for some of the best online training you can find, and, as mentioned, it is free.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. For more free make-money online training, please visit my YT channel. 

PPS.  Get A Business Account.  It is available to all, even if you are not a business, you will get more options and better analytics.


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  • Top Commentor

    Thank you George, for another valuable PR.  I was on my over to your YouTube training to watch your Pinterest training.  Imagine, you just put up more info about the very topic I was looking for.  And since you recommended it, I'm definitely signing up.  

    • Top Video Contributor

      I am a Pinterest fan because it works for me, I use it like an affiliate marketer, in other words, to drive traffic, my reach on Pinterest is 40K+ to 60K+ per month, and that is all free, thank you, Robin. 

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