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Purr-fect newbie option for content websites!??


Hi Everyone!  I am George Pierce, and this post is about an option that is purr-fect for newbies that are creating content websites.  If you are having difficulty getting your visitors to stay on your web pages, if you are having little to no success with sign-ups, consider trying this option, 

Turn your web page into a 'giving' page.   Add several FREEBIES that are relative to your content.  Make sure your FREEBIES are obvious and make sure that your first freebie shows up when your visitors land, in other words, make sure it is not too far down the page, it needs to be seen.  

Here is an example (with no links)

           FREE Email List Profit Funnels Training email list                 profit funnels ecover




Do not just have one, as mentioned, have several giveaways.  


Match the image size of your giveaway or even exceed the size of your other images on your page.  The above cat image is 640p, so make your freebie image 640p. 

Make sure it says FREE. This example is from a content page about email campaigns, the freebie is from WorldProfit.  There are two more freebies, all from WorldProfit, all are free.  

The download button goes to your email sign-up, which thanks your visitor for their interest and asks them where (email address) to send their training.

When your visitors land they see quality content that will help them, and useful giveaways that can also help them.  They are much more likely to feel good about your site and TRUST it.  This greatly improves your chances of them staying, and clicking, and giving you their email address. 

I believe you will be pleasantly surprised with this trick, it might prove to be PURR-fect!

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For more free help and training with content marketing, visit my YouTube channel.


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  • Top Member

    Beneficial and informative post. I love the photo at the end. Being stuck in traffic sucks big time and no fun at all. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I do not miss traffic, I worked for about a year near Atlanta, and it makes NYC seem like a walk in the park, thank you, Terri.  

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Terri Pattio



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