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Respond Immediately


Hey Everyone!  I am George Pierce, I have about 20 years of online marketing experience.  This post is about Facebook, specifically, your need to respond immediately to any kind of FB email that might indicate that someone might be tampering with any of your FB accounts.  I seem to be a 'target' for this kind of activity because I am quite active on FB and have several accounts and many profiles.  The email that you see above is, about one of my accounts.  

Why it is so important that you act immediately is that not too long ago, this same account was hacked and it took me a week or so, along with an uncountable number of hoops that I had to jump through to get things fixed.  In FB's defense, they are trying to keep us safe and they have never failed to come through.  


I believe that I have 54 profiles on the above account.  

Guess What!??

The email above went to SPAM. 

This is not good, but the fact that it went to SPAM, may also help you. 

Yesterday morning, I shared a YT post on FB with the above account using several of its profiles, no problem.  Yesterday evening, however, I was unable to share another post.  I had insufficient permission.  UH OH!

I checked my other FB accounts, and they are working, but this one was not.  I had not received any FB emails, or so I thought, but just in case this was not a glitch, I went to my email provider and typed Facebook into their search box.  

In other words, if you suddenly have problems with your FB account, check your email in case there is an email from FB that you overlooked. 

When I hit search, the above email shows up. Initially, I thought I had overlooked it, but then I realized that it had been in my SPAM folder for several days.  Act immediately is what I am sharing, however, my response was not immediate.

What do you do?


It is easy.  Open the email.  You will see something similar to what you see above.  Click on the box: Report the user and let FB know that it was not you.  


I let FB know, last night, a Saturday night, I reported the user and let FB know that it was NOT ME.  This morning, all is well.  

Conclusion:  If you get an email such as the one above, respond at once.  If you suddenly have difficulty with your FB account, check your email to make sure that your account is not being tampered with.  It may not be a glitch.  Your account may be in jeopardy.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  I invite you to visit my YouTube channel for Free Internet Marketer Training.

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  • Top Member

    Glad to hear your account is okay now. This hasn't happened to me yet and I'm thankful for that. Thanks for sharing your experience, it will help others so they know what to do. FB wants to keep their community safe for all. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I agree and I am pleased to share that FB still seems to care and listen and cooperate with their users.  Thank you, Terri.  

    • Top Member

      Yes they seem to care. They need people on their site to look at all those ads they get paid big money from business owners. 

  • Top Commentor

    Thanks for the heads up George.  But I would even be hesitant to click on the link.  Hackers and those with ill intentions are pretty savvy in their quest to do harm.  I clicked open on and email that claimed to be from the FBI, well my computer got taken over for two days.  If it's in my inbox I just send it to Spam.  Then I go to the Site it claims to have come from to check for unusual activity.   

    • Top Member

      If the FBI wanted to contact you, they wouldn't send you an email. I think not, they know how to get you if they need to. Do you agree? I wouldn't clicked on it. People are so wicked these days and it's a shame because a lot of people end up being hurt by these hackers. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      It is common for Scammers to represent themselves as well-known entities, emails with openers such as your Amazon order, your FB account, etc. are likely to get opened.  Even though I was quite sure that the FB email was legit, I did check the sender's address before opening it.  

    • Top Video Contributor

      I agree.  You can also see who it is really from before opening (hover over the sender on Gmail).  Our anti-virus software is supposed to protect us, but we must still be careful when opening emails.  Just because an email says it is from FB or the FBI does not mean it is valid.  Thank you, Robin. 

    • Top Commentor

      It's getting scary out there with the hackers and scammers.  I even see the some of the Traffic Exchanges changing they way you surf and adding extra security.  Thank you for your dilligent research and sharing it with us George. 


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