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See What Sticks!??


Hello!  I am George Pierce, I am about to give you some terrible advice for getting started online.  The advice is to see what sticks!?? When you are new to making money online, let's face it, you have no clue as to what works and what does not work.  My initial results were dismal, I had been promoting Clickbank weight loss products and building a weight loss website.  Every day I visited CB, all I saw were goobers, and all of a sudden, I made 3 sales.  I had no clue why.  

The reason for the sale was SEO, but I did not know that.  But I did know what had sold!  And I did more of it.  

You may have heard old sayings, such as throw spaghetti (or mud or doo doo) against the wall and see what sticks.  When you are new, you will not know what sticks, if you do not try it.  Of course, do more of what sticks, and test and tweak what does not. 

And while you are using the 'See What Sticks' strategy, learn all you can as fast as you can...because...once you discover niche research, you can make better choices as to what you throw at the wall.  In other words, more and more will stick.  In addition, you will gain experience, and experience will also help you make better choices. 

Once you gain not be afraid to keep throwing spaghetti at the wall!

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For free make-money online training, visit my YT training channel. 



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  • I love your Spaghetti waving AI creation image

    Good to see you here, I'm a fairly new member here, and your post is the first one I have commented on

    As to SEO have you any videos on YouTube on that subject?

    I'm subscribed to your YouTube channel

    • Top Video Contributor

      Thank you, Graham. Sorry for the delayed response, Hurricane Helene cut off power and a lot more, power is back after 17 days, but I may still be away from the Internet quite a bit dealing with the 'lot more'.  You will find five SEO videos on my IM Training channel.  May I suggest Step By Step SEO (part of Keto Diet training but it works on any niche) and a video about Voice Search which is a way to find and use what are called long-tailed keywords, it may give you an edge 

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