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How Selling Anything To Anyone Online Is ABC Easy!



How Selling Anything To Anyone Online Is ABC Easy!

Hi Everyone, I am George Pierce and this post is about a three-step online sales process that can change your online future.  You are about to see a simple formula for squeeze pages, short posts, social media posts, landing pages, emails, and more.  All you need to remember is A, B, and C!  It is a shortened version of the AIDA formula (I suggest AIDRA), a proven online sales formula.  AIDRA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Reassurance, and Action.  AIDRA and ABC are two of the most powerful online sales formulas because they work.  

The formula 

A ~ Attention

B ~ Because

C ~ Call To Action

When you or I make a post or video online, there is a 'reason' for us making that post.  If we are in the business of 'making money online', our reason usually involves getting our readers or viewers to take action, which is where our 'close' or 'call to action' comes in.  We are beginning with our Call To Action because that is really what everything is about and when you create your ads or posts with a result (CTA) in mind, your results improve.  Asking or telling our visitors or viewers to take action is essential, so be sure to include this step.  However, create a CTA that is a simple and natural 'next step'.

The A stands for Attention.  We need to grab attention!  When we do grab attention, our chances of conversions (getting people to take action) can skyrocket.  When we do not grab attention, no one reads our posts or watches our videos.  Since grabbing attention is a must, here are some of the ways that you can grab attention.

Emotions ~ inspire emotion or create an emotional response.  

Questions ~ questions 'engage' our brains.  

Unknown (New) ~ We are drawn to new or unknown.

Contrast ~ our brain is attracted to contrast.  Contrast works with text, but IMO, it works best with images. 

(common contrast examples are before and after such as weight loss or 0 subs vs 1,000 subs)

Logic and Patterns ~ our brain will follow a logical progression or pattern.  

Fun ~ Make it fun or funny and people will pay attention.

Curiosity ~ Curiosity is a strong motivator and, thus, a great attention grabber.


Need/ Desire/ Problem ~ Typically your affiliate product or service fills a need, satisfies a desire,

or solves a problem, so you can identify it as part of your headline.  

 Other attention-grabbing tricks are Heavy Text, Images, Exact Match, and Benefit.  

Images, such as you see above, are meant to grab attention and create curiosity.  



There are many free Artificial Intelligence 'Title Generators' or Headline Generators

that will do an amazing job of helping you to grab attention.  

Above is one from Headline Studio which is CoSchedule. 

Type in what your attention grabber is about, choose how you will be using it,

and the software will come up with several attention grabbers to choose from. 

Most free versions will generate from 3 to 7 attention grabbers.

B ~ Because

The B in the A B C Formula is your bridge to your call to action.   You have one or two lines of text and that text says that you said what you said in your attention grabber because... your because is typically making your visitor aware of a 'Benefit' that your affiliate product or service can provide and...this is what to do next.., which is the CTA. 


Images are automatic attention grabbers, especially if they are 'different'.  The fun images above are Free 

from a site called Pixabay.  You can use Pixabay images as your own, you can modify them, you can use them

commercially, and there is no need for attribution. 

To add text to images, you can use Paint, which is free and should already be installed on your laptop or

computer.  You can also use a site called Canva which is free.  Canva has the power to turn you into an


The A B C Formula is what the pros are using because it works.  In fact, it should surprise you as to how well it works,

right from the start.  As you gain experience, it will work even better.

Thank you for reading.

Much Success,

George Pierce

PS.  Consider visiting my YT training channel for free make money online training.

 PPS.  Exact match is an SEO trick that you can use as part of your attention grabber.  For example, your service or product preceded or followed by the name of a nearby city or the words near me...  Caring "Veterinarian Atlanta' or 'Atlanta Veterinarian' with all five-star reviews.  


A real example: 


What is the A B C Formula?  

It is a way to sell anything to anyone online, it is easy, and it is free.

Click the button to continue.


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