Hi Everyone!
I am George Pierce. Two of the biggest mistakes that most newbies make are SELLING or BEGGING. In my case, I was guilty of SELLING. But I was in sales, so that is what I was supposed to do, right?
If you are working online, especially as an affiliate marketer, your job is to SELL, right?
We are both WRONG!
Most of us consider online marketing as selling. It is not. I was a salesman, but when I stopped selling, I made more sales, in fact, I became a Hall Of Famer, but not until I stopped selling.
That might sound crazy, but let us step back for a second. If we put ourselves in our prospect's shoes, they do not want to be 'sold'. You do not want to be sold, I do not want to be sold, no one does.
How can we sell stuff without selling?
Putting ourselves in our prospect's shoes, once again, if they do not want to be sold, then what do they want or need from us? They need us to help them with their buying decision.
Something that I have discovered, something that works for me, is to affiliate myself with the best products. I learned that HELPING someone to make a decision to buy a cheap product was difficult, all I had to offer was the price. Helping people to make a decision to buy quality is much easier. There are many more reasons to choose the better product and that can usually be backed up with features and benefits, along with testimonials and other types of reassurance.
FYI, people want to buy, people love to buy! People are much more willing to buy when we help them rather than sell them or beg them.
Furthermore, in affiliate marketing, it is our affiliate's job to do the selling, not our job. Our job is to bring the buyer and the affiliate together. With a little helping instead of selling, you will find that it is easier than you think.
Thanks for reading.
Much success,
George Pierce
PS. For more free affiliate marketing training, visit my YouTube channel:
PPS. Another mistake is basing our prospect's decisions on what WE want, instead of what they want.
Online, you can find out what they want with research. Research helps you to almost guarantee success.
The following video will help you with finding the right product and with your research.
How To Make $150 A Day From Home ~ Pt 1 is how to find a good product to sell as an affiliate
For Part Two:
How To Make $150 A Day From Home No Cost Part 2 ~ Niche Research, Niche Marketing, And Siphoning
I learned this lesson long time ago because I had a money agenda. I got rid of it and realized I had to solved my prospects problem. As network/affiliate marketers, we have to find out they have a problem and make sure our products can solve their it. When I lost the money agenda and showed people I wanted to help them solve their problem. They showed an interest and I begin to make sales. This was a turnaround for me because my prospect was happy and so was I. Thank you George Pierce you sure choose great subjects to write about. Keep it moving.
You are right about getting rid of a money agenda. It really is about helping to solve a problem or helping to fulfill a need or desire. Thanks, Terri.