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The NO Diet way to Lose Weight

I never thought I would be sharing weight loss with anyone, since I have been fortunate to be slim my entire life. Then The Pandemic Hit and of course we all stayed home. I stopped running and my body missed the exercising. Of course I was entering my 70's and even though I am healthy, I didn't know what that would mean. Slower metabolism? My physical body working slower? Nah, couldn't be :-)

I am a self confessed "Peter-ette Pan" --- you know, Peter Pan's sister and am NEVER going to grow up, so I never think in terms of "getting older". I've been taking care of my phsyical body for DECADES too with natural remedies and nutritionals, so when I turned around and was 28 lbs overweight I didn't know what to do.

I had started a new Business to increase my income as my 12 year residual income from another company was being diminished by the owners (a sad commentary on many direct sales companies) and wanted to insure my income stability.

Little did I know that Govvi, a global E-Commerce company with the promise of excellent product categories would introduce a product that is a NO DIET weight loss product, just at the time that I needed one! This product simply turns OFF the CB1 Receptor in the brain. That's the part of the brain that is responsible for Noshing and Craving all the things that are bad for us, including beer, cigarettes and other stuff like chocolate cake, chips, etc. It also does something to that part of the brain so when you DO eat, you only eat a small portion of what you were normally eating.

What a lucky break for me! Again, I never had to diet, but have many friends who YOYO diet.... they buy expensive foods to eat (that are NOT nutritious and in fact have WAY to much sodium) spend lots of money on different products or plans and might lose a few pounds but then Grandma brings her famous chocolate cake and BOOOM... they fall off their "diet" and gain back even more than they lost :-(

Wow, that's sad, isn't it? Has that happened to you? I just didn't know WHAT to DO until I was able to start taking our new product. IMMEDIATELY, i noticed I was not CRAVING cakes and cookies and ice cream. I noticed too that I had to remind myself to eat! 3-4 months later I was enjoying a 28lb weight loss, getting into my pretty Vintage Dress Collection and a happy camper.

If you know anyone who suffers constant weight gain and loss or would likle to finally lose the weight and KEEP IT OFF, I would suggest this product. We have support groups and tesimonials designed to help folks see how others are succeeding too :-) Govvi serves 40 countries around the world with this product and in fact serves 60 countries with some other products as an E-Commerce Company, fulfilling its promise to us, fortunatley, for tens of thousands of people around the world!

Wondering if this is for you? Visit Watch a funny video to motivate yourself HERE or  watch ME explain an overiew of this wonderful product (don't worry, it's short!)

Blessings and NEVER give up hope, my friends. There is Always a way to help yourself create and maintain your wellness!

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RS Mallory has 30 years of Full Time marketing Experience after a 25 year career as a teacher, spending years as an Advocate for Distributors, training, traveling and building teams.

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    I think most people are skeptical about a no-diet approach to weight loss, I was until just a few years ago.  More and more recent products target actual causes of weight gain 'in an ethical way' and often help people to lose weight that have been struggling for years, thank you, RS. 

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      So grateful George that my article resonates with you my friend. I would never entertain the ubiquitious "weight loss" industry simply because I did not htink it ethical. Buy $200-$500 worht of fake food from us to lose weight (filled with chemicals and laden with sodium) from many "name brand" companies - WW, Nutrisystem, etc. or even GoLo on tv which also peddle their fake food. You are correct, George, most folks overeat because of emotional or physical triggers and NONE of the weight loss systems address or help that. Wow actually DOES something about it but focuisng on turning OFF the CB1 Receptor in the brain. Voila, no more Cravings or Noshing. As mentioned we do support folks with testimonies and community, but 100% of the weight loss comes from turning of that CB1 Receptor so YOU do the heavy lifting by taking two (vegan) capsules a day :-) Cheers!


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