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Today, BTC hit a NEW HIGH! $52,000!


Hi All!  I am George Pierce, and this post is about Bitcoin, mainly because it hit a new all-time high today of $52,000, and how you can earn Bitcoin for free.  Bitcoin is an investment or it can be.  I am not a huge Bitcoin fan, but I own some.  Most of my investments are funds through Fidelity Investments, my favorite fund is the Magellan Fund, which has had recent earnings of more than 30% for two years running.  I have been with Magellan for about 40 years.  I also have several other funds from low to moderate risk.  I owe my success with my investments simply by following my richer friends, two in particular were with fidelity so I followed in their footsteps.  

My Bitcoin experience is minimal and my Bitcoin earnings are 100% passive.   I have a few friends who dabble in Bitcoin, but no one to follow.  This post is to share what I am doing to earn Bitcoin...and the part that might interest you is that my Bitcoin income is from doing what I was already doing! 

Now I get paid.  


As you can see, my present balance is a little over $118, and how I am making money is that I am getting paid to browse!  I was already browsing, but I switched browsers.  The new browser was Crypto Tab.  The reason for my switching was not the money, it was because it was faster, up to 8 times faster!  So with Crypto Tab, I get a faster browser and I get paid for what I was already doing.  

How this works is that with a Crypto Tab Browser, as you browse, you are mining crypto, thus you can earn money for what you are already doing.  Installing Crypto Tab is one-click easy.  I have not found a single flaw with Crypto Tab, and it is like getting free money.  

I invite you to check out Crypto Tab, a passive way to earn Bitcoin.

Thank you for reading,

Much success,

George Pierce



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  • Top Member

    Marvelous post George Pierce and what you say is true about Cryptotab, I been using it for quite some time and earning bitcoins as well. Get paid for surfing the web. It's a no brainer. 

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