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Top 100 Public Domain Movies

Internet Archive Top 100 List

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Hi All!  I wish you much success if you are using or considering my Faceless Video Training.  This post is specifically for vintage movies. One of my Faceless Video channels is based on vintage movies.  It is Mr. P's Movie Classics, which is based on uploading Public Domain movies that are readily available online at sites such as the Library Of Congress and Internet Archive.  

What I want to share is a list of the top 100 Public Domain movies, this is per Internet Archive and based on IMDB.  You can easily find more lists on sites such as IMDB and Ranker.  I understand that my Faceless Video Training includes how to research which videos are going to get views, this is simply another source to help give you an even greater edge over your competition.  

Some of the best movies ever made are in the Public Domain.


PYGMALION, is sincerely one of the best movies ever made, it is ranked #9 on the list below.  It is the queue, as you can see in the above snapshot, for publishing on YouTube.  

Guess what happens when we deliver the best movies?  

People watch them!   They do not just watch them, they watch them to the end, they are also much more likely to return to watch more of our movies, as well as become a subscriber.  This is a new channel with unbelievable watch time.  Watch time is the ultimate driver for channel growth, exposure, and subscribers.  


The channel is almost at 1K hours of watch time in 28 days already.

Again, the watch time is the driver, it is what sends a strong signal to YT that people like our videos, or do not like our videos.  Fortunately, the signal is that they love these movies, which means that YT pushes the videos out to more and more people!  

All the views and all the watch time are free and one of the main reasons for this surprising success is simply giving our audience what they want.


Although I cannot make any promises, I am sharing what I do and I am doing what I share and this post is meant to help your channel to grow even faster.

The following is a list of the top 100 Public Domain movies per Internet Archive.  The movies are outstanding, ones that your audience will enjoy will keep watching, and will return for more. 

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce


Cartoon of a giant hand grabbing Gabby

Cartoon Mr. Wonderbird, rocking small birds in a<br />                 cage

Swarthy men playing cards at a table

Shirley Temple hugging her on-screen dad

Leslie Howard as ‘Pimpernel’ Smith

Three men at an old diner

Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, and Bing Crosby

Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour

Man at a doctor's office

Leslie Howard as the Scarlet Pimpernel

Votes: 1
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  • Top Member

    That's quite a list George Pierce thank you for sharing this list. Much success with your new channel. 


    • Top Video Contributor

      I just published Pygmalion which is #9, it helps get that all-important watch time. Thank you, Terri. 

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Terri Pattio



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