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Try IT! It might work.


Hi All!  I am George Pierce, I have about 20 years of online marketing experience and the Arrogance and Audacity to share what I am doing online. This post is about "Try IT, It Might Work!" 

My intent is that you can see firsthand, my successes and my failures and learn from them.  On SE, I have been sharing a new YT channel using other people's videos. I am adapting a Faceless Video strategy to make money on YT and never have to make a video.  In my last post, I revealed that I wanted to make it easier for my viewers to join my channel.  

Above is a snapshot of the channel today, below is a picture of the channel 7 days ago.  



The accelerated growth is thanks to two strategies. 

#1 Compilations

#2 Give your viewers what they want

Compilations are sort of a spinoff of giving viewers what they want,  I have discovered that compilations typically get more views, and, of course, that is an indication that compilations are what viewers want.  For more details, click here to visit my SE previous post.

I have also found that YT seems to help more and more about suggesting what your viewers want as your channel grows, and this is by way of suggested videos.  Thanks to YT, finding content that your viewers want to watch, is easier and easier.  

All you need to do is check out the related videos that YT is serving you, if they are relative, have a lot of views, have no copyright issues, and are available at Internet Archive, finding content is not only easy, it is fast.  

If you are following my training, thank you, allow me to remind you that you will need 1K subscribers and 4K hours of watch time in one year to monetize with YT as a partner.  4K hours of watch time in 12 months means 333 hours and 20 minutes of watch time per month.  This number is supposedly the toughest one for most channels. As you can see above, that barrier is already broken.  I also want to remind you that the figures above are going to keep on snowballing as long as you and I keep engaging in the right activities.  

If you are NOT familiar with my Facelss Video training, it is three easy steps, there is ZERO cost, and there is no skill needed.

I invite you to watch this video to learn more.

For your links to all the free resources that are mentioned in this video, click here

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce


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  • Top Member

    George Pierce you have demonstrated and showed that you have the skill and know what you're doing. My advice to people reading your posts, is to take heed and just do it. Thank you George for always adding value with your blog and video content on the SE community. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      What is exciting about my newest YT adventure is that I am often in unchartered waters, I get to learn more and successes are sweeter, thank you, Terri.

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