Hi All! I am George Pierce, this post is about a most sccessful online method or strategy, the problem ~ solution approach. If you are considering or trying to make money online from home by way of the Internet, this post will help.
It takes an entreprenurial spirit to even get started, and then once you do get started, there are dozens of "problems" that you will face.
Although each of your new make money online problems has its own solution, the problem ~ solution approach may be your life saver. While you are learning, this approach can help you to provide "the value" needed, to help you through your start up phase.
One of the problems when you are getting started online, is that nothing seems to work. And when nothing seems to be working, that is when many newbies quit. So, "The Problem~Solution Approach" may be the lifeline that you need.
How it works:
The premise is that every online niche has numerous problems and that every problem has a solution. In other words, whatever your online adventure, whatever the niche, your key to success is to provide 'value' to your audience. A valuable service is to identify the problems that they face, and provide solutions that they can use to fix the problem. When you create this kind of content, it is instantly relatable, and its application will often show almost immediate results!
Above is a snapshot of this process in action.
What you are seeing above is the use of free AI (CoPilot) which can help you to readily identify and to help solve the problems that your auudeince faces.
The bottom line is that usig this strategy will enable you to create value and gain trust, a spring board for future growth and success.
Thank you for reading.
Much success,
George Pierce
PS. Check out my YT training channel for free make money online trainng.