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HELLO!   George Pierce, here with exciting news.  I have been learning online marketing for about 20 years, I discovered a gazillion things that do not work, and a few that do work.  I do my best to share what I do as a way of giving back.  This post is about a thrilling discovery involving my latest online adventure which is an adaptation of a Faceless Video strategy that I am using on YouTube. 

I have several YT channels, but up until about six months ago, one was a training channel and the rest are used to drive traffic to websites, web pages, squeeze pages, review sites, etc,  What this means is that I was not a YouTuber, rather an online marketer that used the power of YT for generating traffic.  

So my recent adventure has actually been an adventure and a fun learning experience filled with discoveries.  What seems to be happening with my new channel is that lately, it seems to be behaving more like a website than a YT channel!  

Allow me to explain what I mean and why that is so exciting.

YT is essentially an online social platform, and it often behaves like one.  When you make a post on a social platform, it usually gets some immediate results that often dwindle over a short period of time.  On YT, based on my research and opinion, most new videos get initial views which soon dwindle.  

What you see above tells a different story.  The above stats are from a video that is what I call a sleeper.  It took about 2 months to WAKE UP.  What you are seeing is quite typical of a content marketing website that relies on organic traffic from SEO, and it is NOT typical of most YT videos.  Upon reflection, most of the tricks and strategies that I have applied to this channel are based on my website-building experience.  

What is thrilling is that more and more of my videos are WAKING UP.

Notice that over 80% of my traffic is from external sources.  The SEO that I am using is beginning to pay off.  Google is finding my content, Best of all, the cumulative effect of adding content is much more beneficial when your videos wake up instead the other way around.  

My faceless video process is based on three steps.

12178069465?profile=RESIZE_710xI find out which videos people want to watch, and if they are available and have no copyright issues, I download them for free, from a public domain site and then upload them to YT.  Above, you can see that the Honeymooners episode Dial J For Janitor has over 1.8M views, which means that people are interested.  (Google and YT do all the work, I just sit back and act on the results.)


And what you are seeing above is a snapshot of this video being uploaded.  

My Faceless Video process is almost that simple.  There is no skill needed and there is no cost.

I invite you to watch a free training video about the process, you get to look over my shoulder, and I share each step. Click here to watch.

Thank you for reading.

Much Success,

George Pierce


PS.  Sometimes success is so close!  

 PPS:  Here is the Honeymooner video.


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  • Top Member

     Very interesting George Pierce and it's good to know this information. You always share the right information at the right time. I'm sure people will learn from your experience, tips and advice. Thanks George. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      It is a pleasant surprise, perhaps building a YT channel with a website mindset has more value than I realized.  I have another nice surprise, I had predicted that results would double about every 30 days, based on my website results.  I was wrong, it is more than double, I will share that in another post, soon.  Thank you, Terri.  

    • Top Member

      I look forward to seeing what you'll be sharing with us. 

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