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Hi Everyone!  I am George Pierce.  This post is about choosing a name for your website or channel name. Some of the things about choosing your name that may seem obvious to someone with experience are not always obvious to a newbie.  My first website and URL was The Place To Be Is Here.  That is about the worst name that I could have chosen, but I did not know better.  

If I had known, I would have chosen a name that describes my site, such as Internet Marketer Training Center or Win At Losing Weight, or Cooking Made Easy.  The above is a result of a keyword search with the idea of choosing a  new YT channel name.

Keyword Research?

You can use TubeBuddy which is what I am using or you can use Ubersuggest to do keyword research regarding the name or names that you have in mind. Both are free.  You want your name to help your site or channel regarding SEO which is short for Search Engine Optimization.  Including keywords in your name and in your URL, that score well in search will help your site or channel with SEO.


Scoring well in search is usually NOT finding words with high search, it is finding keywords with good search and LOW or LOWER competition.  So far, the keywords, movie classics have a little more search than classic movies with about 1/10 of the competition.

Another keyword example is old movies,  which would describe the channel, has less search and more competition than classic movies. so "movie classics" is looking best, but we are not there yet.  

Not everyone teaches this, but I strongly suggest that you make your name unique.  

Here is WHY!


When you are brand new, you may not be thinking about later, but when people search for your website or channel, are they going to find it?

The answer is often NO! 

If you or I pick movie classics as our name, our site is going to be difficult to impossible to find.  If we make it unique, such as adding "Mr. P's", look what happens!  (see above)

The WHOLE page is full, they are going to find us!  And it is going to be easy and it is going to be immediate. Being found easy and immediately is essential, so I strongly recommend that you make your name unique.

It is not official yet, but I will be adding a new YT channel soon, it will probably be called Mr. P's Movie Classics.  I will be downloading movie classics from a free Public Domain site called Internet Archive and uploading the movies to the new YT channel. I will be adding just a little bit of research to make sure that people are interested in my uploads and then I will be sharing the videos with social media platforms to gain more exposure.

If you would like to look at what I believe is one of the easiest ways to make money online, I invite you to watch a training video that breaks this Faceless Video process down into three easy steps that anyone can follow.  There is no need to make any videos or spend any money. Click here to see if this is a good fit for you. 

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce


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  • Top Commentor

    Thank you George.  As usual this a very valuable information that some markerters would charge for.  Another thing I've read about choosing keywords, is that people will sometimes misspell words.  So it's even good practice to search different spellings of a word.  But you're the expert, it's just another suggestion I read.  

    • Top Video Contributor

      I thank you, Robin.  Definitely, a good tip, misspelled words are very common and can yield a lot of traffic that others miss out on.  

  • Top Member

    You got it going on George Pierce and the tips and advice you share with people is based on your experiences (some failures) and this is how you learned. This helps people to learn the right thing to do for success if they're new to online marketing. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Thank you, Terri.  You are omnipresent~LOL on the net, so you get to see some of what I do, your kind words are much appreciated.   

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