How To Avoid Facebook Penalties, staying out of Facebook Jail!

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How to avoid Facebook Penalties, staying out of Facebook Jail!http://realincomesuccess.comWhen you end up in “Facebook Jail” you are suddenly not allowed by Facebook to post any links to your personal websites or blogs, to your company replicated websites, not on your personal timeline, not in Facebook groups and not even on your Facebook business Pages you’ve created. Welcome to Facebook jail. But here are 6 points that will help you to stay out of trouble with Facebook and make sure you are following their terms of service.1. Understand Facebook’s Terms of Service, 2. Never ever use a business name for your personal profile/timeline name, 3. Avoid posting your web link to multiple places on Facebook in a short time, 4. Do not friend-request people you do not know or aren’t otherwise connected, 5. Do not repeatedly send the same message to different people or post the same item in different places, 6. Do not private message someone who is not your Facebook friend. Following these 6 points will keep you out of trouble with Facebook. And for continued success in your online business here is a must have system:http://realincomesuccess.comFacebook Terms Of Service: me:YouTube: Abundant IncomeFacebook: Page:

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