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How To Increase Your Conversions With Bridge Pageshttp://nextstepforsuccess.comHow To Increase Your Conversions With Bridge Pages? Do you solicit strangers asking them if they want to know if they had a chance to take a look at your money making opportunity and they should click the link right now to join the hottest thing since eBay! Ugh! Are you sending another unsolicited offer among the hundreds people receive every day? You may be asking yourself “How do I get someone to WANT my product or service without having to do a hard sell?”You can get higher conversion rates using a simple strategy called a Bridge Page.How? Create an itch and sell the scratcher! What you want to do is create some kind of article on a blog site or a video talking about the problem these people are having and your job is to exploit the problem as if you were exposing the Watergate Scandal!Here are a couple of questions you need to ask, and answer, before you create your bridge.#1 – What pain points can you expose that your prospect doesn’t consciously know they have?#2 – What are the logical steps to solving the problem you made them aware of?Here’s a reference list while making your conversion crushing bridge page• Look at your offer, your product, or opportunity and find out what’s the main problem it solves.• Create an itch that your product is going to scratch• Show / Teach people a couple ways to relieve their itch• Reveal the mega solution as your product and have them click through to the sales page of your offer.Things to remember:• Be ethical• Don’t lie• Always put THEIR needs first• Actually help people• Have funhttp://nextstepforsuccess.comContact Me:Facebook: http://thebeckster.netEmail:

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