Just what is an avitar and what can an Avatar do for you and your business?

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http://realincomesuccess.comWhat is an Avatar and what can an Avatar do for you and your business? Having an Avitar for your internet marketing business is a very valuable tool. When trying to attract the “ideal” subscribers or visitors to your web site, offer, whatever, you need to know who these visitors are. How do you accomplish this? This is accomplished through the development of an Avitar. You build your Avitar profile. So you want to develop a full profile of your ideal subscriber. Some categories you should put thought into are: Age, Gender, Marital Status, Interests, Location, Occupation, Annual Income, Education, Goals, Values, Information Sources, Biggest Challenge, Pain Points, Why they’re not interested in what you have to offer, and so on. You can expand or shorten this list but this should give you a good idea on where to start. But once this information has been identified, now you can market with greater precision and accuracy. Remember, you’re building a profile for your ideal subscriber, so give it some thought. By putting in the time and thought into what your ideal subscriber “looks like” so-to-speak, you will be able to focus on the best places to find them. In addition, you need valuable tools and training if you want to multiply your success! Here is a great resource that will provide everything you need to build your success:http://realincomesuccess.comContact me:YouTube: Abundant IncomeFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/gr8incomeTwitter: https://twitter.com/TheBecksterWebHome Page: http://thebeckster.net

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