Key Components Of A Great Video! What Are The Five Key Components of a Great Video?

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What Are The Five Key Components of a Great Video? Just what does make a video great?http://nextstepforsuccess.comWhat are the five key components of a great video? There are many factors that go into making a very good video. But there are 5 keys or ingredients that should go into every video. Each key is important and adds to the overall success of your video. Here are the five keys:First, your Introduction: You want to tell people about yourself. As you start to share a little bit about you, you’re starting to build a relationship, not just someone who wants the viewer to buy their offer. Talk about your family, your hobbies, where you’re from, and your interests.Secondly, tell your story: Yes it’s your story as told by you! You’re the best authority on your story. Talk about what you do, how you started in your own business, and so on. Personalize it! As you do this, you are continuing to build a relationship!Thirdly, talk about your struggles: Share your pain points, what’s frustrated you, where you may have failed in the past, but make it yours! You’ll be surprised how many people will identify with the challenges you have faced.Next, talk about the solution: How did you overcome your challenges, struggles, past failures? Talk about what you found that has made all the difference in your life. What has made you successful?Lastly, leave your viewers with a CTA, your Call To Action: You want to lead your viewers to a point of decision, inspire them to opt in to your offer, join your list, like your page, whatever! But tell your viewers what you want them to do next!So now you have a great video, what’s next? What are you going to offer them?Here is a comprehensive solution that’s an affordable low cost option, easy to follow, and has a road map of how to build your business and make money online successfully!?

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