Your Struggle Is Your Greatest Asset

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The David Sharpe Jessie Story,David Sharpe says"Sometimes we let our past keep us from moving forward and stepping into our power. Other times, people try and use our past against us. Here’s what I want you to know…Your past is not your liability. It’s your greatest asset. It’s what makes you who you are. The experience you have gives you insight to get through challenges, and the mistakes you’ve made gives you humility to ask for help when you need it, and the drive to stay hungry for more knowledge.This is a video inspired by a young kid named Jesse, the son of one of our affiliates, who like me, has seen and been through his far share of tough times. And even though he could make every excuse in the world to not show up, to not stay hungry, and to let his past keep him down – he’s not. Press play and enjoy…

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