YouTube UPDATE Increases Views and Subscribers! (How to set up)

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This update begins today.  The video is by TubeBuddy.  The exception to this training is that TB says to focus on content that YOU care about, may I suggest that you focus on content that your viewers care about. 

I am George Pierce, and I use TB on every one of my channels and have two paid upgrades, it is one of the best free tools or paid tools on the Internet for helping your YT channel.  If you are not using it, try it, the only regret you will have is that you did not start using it sooner.  It is an amazing suite of tools that really will help you.  

Explore the latest YouTube feature designed to revolutionize content recommendations on creator channels and your 10X views! Get a permanent Free trial to TubeBuddy: https:/

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  • Interesting share, thanks George. What are your thoughts on TB compared to VidIQ?

    • Top Video Contributor

      I literally compared both, I found that they do not agree on tags (keywords) much of the time, so I used Ubersuggest as well.  TB agreed with Ubersuggest more than VidIQ, so I ended up purchasing TB.  VidIQ might, however, be more helpful with TT because it seems better with trends. Thank you, Michael.  

  • Top Member

    Whew he talks too fast. A person would have to look at this several times. I viewed it the other day and that's what I did. Thanks for sharing George. I started to share it the other day and changed my mind because he talks to fast. Slow down dude so people won't have to view it several times unless he just talks fast normally. 

    • I think talking fast is a YouTube trend because almost every information YouTube video I've viewed  does the this.  I think it's done to keep the attention of their audience, but I must admit sometimes it makes me click off.

    • Top Video Contributor

      I live in a 'country-like' area, so fast-talking is NOT a good fit. but. I agree that it seems to be the YT trend, thank you, Lilla.  

    • Top Video Contributor

      Yes!  I agree that fast-talking may be popular in some places, but I am not a fan, thank you, Terri.  

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