Subject: Syndication Automation Weekly Training
Date and Time: 10/23/2020 3:00 PM US/Central GMT-0500
Description: Syndication Automation training - Presented by Terri Pattio (Owner/Admin of Syndication Express
Syndication Express is inviting you to a meeting.
and enter "syndicationautomation" and click the GO button.
Are you planning to attend the Syndication Automation training today? If so, you'll be glad you did.
The next Syndication Automation training will be on Friday, October 23, 2020 at 6 p.m. CT. Please make plans to be there and I look forward to teaching you how it works and can benefit you.
Hi Terri,
I missed your webinar, sorry. I am guessing that you might be able to put this past webinar on YouTube?
My Internet is slow so webinars, live, streaming, etc. do not work, so my knowledge is almost zero.
But if these webinars can be uploaded to YT, you might want to start an SE channel. With your SEO
knowledge, you could get on page one of YT and Google...if I can, anyone can-grin.
Rootin' for ya and for SE.
Much success.
George Pierce
The next Syndication Automation training will be on Friday Oct. 23, 2020 at 6 p.m. CT. Hope you can join us.
Thank you George for your input and I appreciate your suggestion. Something to think about and I thank you for your support.