Top Blogger

Define Your Target

 Define your target because it's not enough anymore to just write and expect someone to read it.

Have you noticed the competition you have out there? Go to any popular blogging site and just take a peek at all the blogs listed there.

So tell me, what is going to make them read yours?


How you say?define your target

This is how, you are going to ask yourself who you lookin at, who do you want to read your blog. Now think hard about this it's important.

If you are writing about lets say fishing, do you think those interested in pottery will be interested? Well they could be but more likely they won't. Why waste your time?

What do you do? You write to those that like fishing:

Example: I fish so if I were writing a blog about fishing; I would publish one on great fishing places. Then there are different types of bait, so the problem is how to know what bait to use for what type fish.

If you didn't know the answer you would do some research. Use what you learn. You are not expected to know everything.

What you are expected to do is learn and share that knowledge with your readers that's your job.

Are you getting the picture yet?

Blogging is really much more simple than most try and make it, just as marketing is more simple than some will tell you. (I didn't say it was easy) I said simple..

There is a difference.

If you decide who you want to write to then you should discover the problems of that group of people and solve them.

If you have enjoyed this post please share it.

Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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  • Thanks Susan for these great tips on blogging.

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