[ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OWNER - Terri Pattio] Anyone that requests to join Syndication Express must use their real name and it's recommend that you put an acceptable profile picture/logo up for branding. This is a social media platform for bloggers, article writers and authors. Your blog posts will be shared automatically on TOP social media sites giving you massive exposure and viral traffic. Additionally community members are encouraged to read, comment and share network members blog posts to the various social media and bookmarking sites for SEO purposes. When each member shares the blog posts published here, they will receive branding online, more exposure for the blog posts, social signals for the blog posts, one way backlinks for SEO and targeted traffic.

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Susan Boston and Linda Michel White are now friends
Top Member
Apr 13, 2022
Susan Boston updated their profile photo
Sep 21, 2021
Susan Boston updated their profile photo
Sep 21, 2021
Susan Boston left a comment for Anthuwin Cupido
"Welcome Anthuwin :) wonderful to have you here I know you will love it!
Susan Boston"
Nov 6, 2020
Susan Boston shared a profile on Facebook
Nov 6, 2020
Susan Boston commented on Susan Boston's blog post Spirit of a Child
"HI Tom!
You are welcome :) I must many times remind myself as well so thought I might pass the reminder along :) have a wonderful day and thank you for the comment. 
Oct 27, 2020
Susan Boston commented on Susan Boston's blog post Spirit of a Child
"Hi Terri, I love it :) thank you so much. "
Oct 27, 2020
Susan Boston posted a blog post
The Innocents of a child is the perfect vision of spirituality. A child's spirit can melt the most hardened heart; within a child lives the pureness that only resides in God. There is no hate, violence, preconceived ideas, or bias of any kind. It is…
Oct 26, 2020
Susan Boston commented on Susan Boston's blog post Don't Be Racist REGARDLESS The Color of Your Skin-Alternative Answers
"I agree with you Robin, 100%. The things I've seen on TV is just not even of the human world. I think everyone needs to stand up/ The good officer and all of us. I get so broken, sometimes looking at the world. I know God watches over us, though,…"
Sep 19, 2020
Susan Boston commented on Susan Boston's blog post Don't Be Racist REGARDLESS The Color of Your Skin-Alternative Answers
"Terri, I agree with you 100%. There are some very evil Police officers in this world today. However, this can also pertain to preachers, boy scout leaders, priests, actors, politicians, etc. I feel like too many these days are judging by colors, be…"
Sep 18, 2020
Susan Boston shared their video on Facebook
Sep 18, 2020
Susan Boston posted a blog post
Believe I Have The Answer!No one should be racist regardless of the color of their skin. People hear the word racist, and most of the world thinks whites are biased toward blacks. That's not so; the ugly road of racism is a two-way road. I've seen…
Sep 18, 2020
Susan Boston shared a profile on Facebook
Sep 16, 2020
Susan Boston commented on Susan Boston's blog post Don't Work For Success Let Success Work For You
"Hi, Lawrence thank you so much."
Sep 16, 2020
Susan Boston commented on Susan Boston's blog post Don't Work For Success Let Success Work For You
"I started Aug 8 by the 9th I had over 500 it is way up there now cant remember the number exactly
Yes i didn't know about it until another marketer I've worked with a lot of years told me"
Aug 12, 2020
Susan Boston commented on Susan Boston's blog post Don't Work For Success Let Success Work For You
"Hi Terri, thank you :) it really is great you should take a look too, you might could put SE on there or any business you might do. I'm still learning it as well. Be safe and have a great rest of the week."
Aug 12, 2020