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Applying For Job? Know What Your Really Doing...

Applying For Job? Know What Your Really Doing...

Applying for job status is exactly what it says above. You are not building your dream however you are selling your talent to build the dream for your boss or his boss.

You are also working at something that is indisputably the ultimate pyramid scheme. The job is the perfect example of a pyramid scheme you will never make more than those above you and you are never paid what you are worth when you do your job description.

Though you need a job to survive you also have the chance to take your time off to find your own business and become your own boss.

So why don't more people do this?


Fear of failure, fear they might not know what they are doing, fear of choosing the wrong business, fear of losing money and who knows what other fears lurk in the minds of the fearful.

Oddly enough working for another, never making what your worth and no job security at all doesn't frighten people as bad as the thought of stepping out and owning their own businesses.

If you are looking to build your own business call me:


Skype me: susanjboston

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