Are you caught in a trap by that terrible disease called the S.O.S.
Sorry couldn’t help putting this video here of my idol !!
S.O.S. Is like a terrible disease out their in the internet business that could be crippling your business and there are many of us out there who suffer from it….
So what is the S.O.S.?
Shiny Object Syndrome !
It is a disease that affects our brain. I also had this disease a short while ago the same as many other people out there. You always think the grass is greener on the other side WRONG…. So what is the symptom? It is someone who jumps from one opportunity to another and buys the next too good to br true tool or coaching programme.
RESULT = frustrated and depressed thinking that nothing will work for you. You have to stop this insanity from going from one good thing to another and FOCUS on just one thing until you become successful. Stay focused and become good at it.
Doing too many and it will all fall down but focus on just one thing and you will get good at it and it will become easier to do and therefore you will gain momentum. You will GROW – so get to work on your one thing and see the difference.
i learnt the hard way but am now seeing the difference by not having the S.O.S. Disease.
this is what the Simple Money System 40 Day Challenge is for. Helps you stay focused and stops you going from one shiny object to another until you succeed. So why not come and join in the challenge and see how you can change your life for the better.. Click HERE for more information and hope to see you on the inside !!!
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