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Don’t Let Them Knock You Down

Don’t Let Them Knock You Down

Don't Let Them Knock You Down

Don’t Let Them Knock You Down

One of the biggest reasons people quit a home business (or never get started) is because others try to knock them down.  When I say knock down I mean, talk negative, tell you you can’t do it o

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Accountability Partners

You Need An Accountability Partner

Have You Ever Heard Of The Saying “Fire Lights Fire”?

Accountability Partner

If you light a match and it doesn’t have another match to transfer its fire to then it will just burn out.

Well it is the same with people.  If you don’t have someo

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Why Most People Don’t Keep New Years Resolutions. (How to NOT be most people)

Are You One Of These People?

I know this is a bit late as it is February now and If you are anything like me and many others you no doubt make at least one New Year Resolutio

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Baby Boomers Starting A Business in Their 50’s

Baby Boomers Starting A Business in Their 50’s

baby boomers2

It has been said that starting a business in your 50’s will keep you healthy and keep the mind active, plus you have a 70% chance of succeeding !!

Times have been hard in the UK for baby boomers trying to

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