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Chase the Vision Money Will Follow

Chase the Vision Money Will Follow


Chase the vision and money will follow is a concept that many people have not learned and will never learn.

Those are the people that will fail in marketing. Why? The reason is no one buys into the idea of giving out money. They buy into visions.

Let's say you drop by a local car dealership. Now, your car still runs you just want to look around. While you are looking a salesperson sees you and approaches slowly...

Take a look at the concept behind chasing a vision rather than money.

The sales person walks up to you and starts a friendly conversion, asking about your family, what you are looking for in a car etc...

He/she starts telling you about the blue tooth, the rear-view camera and what a fantastic sound system is in the car. He or she might even start painting a picture of you driving down the highway in this car.

You ask the sales person about the cost they say don't worry about the money we can work something out I'm sure. Now be honest aren't you ready to buy?

Different version:

Salesperson sees you races out and starts trying to sale you this car right off the bat. They start by giving you all the specs then close by asking you if you are ready to buy. The whole conversation has been about the product and the price.

Are you ready to buy yet? No, because there is no vision. The potential customer doesn't bond with the salesperson and the salesperson has not given them a positive image as to why they want this car.

Share the vision with others, help them to build "their" vision then the money will follow.

Then and only then are you successful.


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  • Love the title Susan, thanks for sharing and it is so true.  Too many people think about the money first !

  • Top Blogger

    Thank you Timothy :)

  • Shared on one of my blogs and left a link back to your post here Susan.

  • Top Blogger

    Thank you Timothy and Terri :) right now i'm battling gremlins in my pages today say a prayer for me and my computer lol


  • Thanks for sharing Susan!

  • Top Member

    This whole post is on point Susan. I especially liked the title and keep up the great writing. Shared via Syndication Automation.

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