The Daily Meditation 08.08.2013
Being With The Divine Source
Chris Duvall, RScP

Only in prayer do we achieve that complete and harmonious assembly of body, mind, and spirit, which gives the frail human reed its unshakable strength – Alexis Carrel
Taking this moment simply to be with Divine Source … I relax into It. I notice my breath and remember that the Breath of Life is breathing me, and I am breathing It. As I enjoy It now, Power, Presence, and healing Understanding flows to, through, and from me.
The Breath of Life is with me every moment of my day, supporting me, energizing me, filling me with Its goodness – in both happy and challenging times. But how often do I notice it? How often do I feel grateful for Its sustenance? How often do I honor It? How often do I pause, and allow It to lead me?
Today, I ask for the grace of awareness – of the simple gift of the Breath of Life, breathing me as I am breathing It. I ask for Its Power, Presence and healing Understanding to flow where it is needed today, to strengthen, support and invigorate. May awareness of the Breath of Life lift vision, transform thought, affect speech and reform the conditions of life. May all human purposes align within It with consequential good for the whole.
I give thanks for ever-increasing awareness, honor, and reliance upon Spirit and Its incredible gifts. I give thanks for the work of Spirit through everyone – for Its Peace, Its Health, and Its Joy made manifest in the each and the all. I release this word into Law with confidence in Its accomplishing power. And so it is.
There is a vitality in our communion with the Infinite, which is productive of the highest good – Ernest Holmes
Chris Duvall is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico