divine (14)

I Release and Let Go

The Daily Meditation 1.16.2014

I Release and Let Go

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

Kathy Mathiason, RScPI rejoice in the knowing that God is the One Source. The One Source of everything in the Universe. Everything I see, touch, taste and hear. It is omnipresent and omniscient. God i
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Divine Inspiration

The Daily Meditation 11.11.2013

Divine Inspiration

 Joy Lynn Hertz, RScP

Creating sacred space in my life is as important to my well being as breathing. It is crucial for my peace of mind. Every inspired thought begins with a whisper in my ear.  And so

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The Oneness of Divine Expression

The Daily Meditation 11.02.2013

The Oneness of Divine Expression

 Alejandro Sifuentes, RScP

149668_104552902951657_100001908432591_31863_7981129_n-1-150x150.jpg?width=150My courage is expressed in the confidence and knowledge of truth where my  faith is demonstrated through my willingness to trust Divine Providence . 
My  actions
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Divine Source

The Daily Meditation 08.08.2013

Being With The Divine Source

Chris Duvall, RScP


Only in prayer do we achieve that complet­­­­­e and harmonious assembly of body, mind, and spirit, which gives the frail human reed its unshakable strength – Alexis Carrel


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Divine Forgiveness

The Daily Meditation 08.07.2013

Divine Forgiveness

Maria Dion, RScP


Forgiveness means correcting our misperception that the other person harmed us. – Gerald D. Jampolsky, MD

Relaxing into the Truth of this moment, I know that I am encompassed in Love. Lo

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Honoring The Divine

The Daily Meditation 08.03.2013

Honoring The Divine

Keith Auger, Member

keithauger-300x226.jpg?width=180I know that God is all there is, and that what I am is an expression of the all, a point of light in a brilliantly illuminated universe of universes, separate and yet united in onen

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I am One with Divine Spirit

The Daily Meditation 07.19.2013

I am One with Divine Spirit

Marilyn O’Leary, RScP


I take a deep breath and invoke the Divine Silence, for I know that is where I find inspiration and guidance.

In this heart space I am connected with All That Is, sensing t

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