Don’t Let Them Knock You Down

Don’t Let Them Knock You Down

Don't Let Them Knock You Down

Don’t Let Them Knock You Down

One of the biggest reasons people quit a home business (or never get started) is because others try to knock them down.  When I say knock down I mean, talk negative, tell you you can’t do it or that it will never work.

This can be hard for the home business entrepreneur, especially if it is a close friend or family member.  Why would someone want to do this in the first place?  I don’t have the answer for that but perhaps they are a negative person by nature.  Perhaps they are close minded or perhaps even they are jealous.  That actually happens, especially with family members.

I’m not going to get into the details on why this happens… instead I want to focus on how to prevent or minimize it when it does so you can continue on your way to success.

The 5 Things You Can Do To NOT Get Knocked Down

1. Work On Yourself

The biggest challenge we face when someone is trying to knock you down is that you self confidence can be bruised or harmed.  If we have low self esteem or we already think that we are not good enough. All it takes is one negative comment and we are down for the count.  How do you avoid that?  You have got to constantly work on SELF DEVELOPMENT.  Working to improve yourself every single day.  Listen to positive, motivating audios and videos.  Read from a self development book each day for 15 minutes.  Attend a motivational seminar.  Set goals and work on becoming a better you.

The more you work on YOU, the higher your self confidence will be and the strong your shield against the negative will be.

2. Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

You may have heard the concept that you pretty become like the 5 people you hang around the most.  This goes for income levels, behaviors and pretty much who you are.  If are constantly around negative people who knock you down and are negative, you should focus on spending you time around people who build you up.  People sho are positive and have the same goals as you.   Overtime you will see that you will begin to change for good.

3. Eliminate Exposure To People Who Bring You Down

If you have people in your life that bring you down and are negative to you…its time to eliminate or reduce your exposure to these people.  This can be hard when one of these negative people is a close family member but even then it’s possible to find new people that will help you get to your goals and become the person you want to be.  Don’t worry… your new circle of influence will lift you up and soon you will feel better about yourself.  It’s even possible that some of the “Negative Nellies” who who brought you down before may see your change and want to follow in your footsteps!

4. Control Your Outside Influences

This is a big one.  What you surround yourself with will be a huge influence on what you become.  If you are constantly watching violent or degrading television or video games, you will probably have a hard time working on your self confidence.  If you listen to music that is degrading and depressing…well I think you can tell.  Take control of the outside influences that you allow in your life.  Keep them positive.

5. Take Action

On of the best things you can do to keep from getting knocked down is to TAKE ACTION!  Think of it like this.  When something is in motion like a river, it is clean, crisp and clear.  When water is still it becomes stagnant, stinky and full of disease.  Say for example you have a home business.  Take massive action each and every day and work hard.  When you do you will have success.  When you have success you feel better about yourself and you want to take more action!  Now when someone comes and tries to knock you down they will have no influence over you at all because you are on fire!

Taking MASSIVE ACTION is the #1 way to prevent getting knocked down.

So whatever you are doing in life, keep strong , try not to get knocked down.  If you do just get right back up!

Are you looking for more financial freedom for 2014?  Are you looking for a business that is simple, fun and won’t take a lot of your time?  One that actually works?  Watch the video below and see what I recommend.

Watch This Video

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  • Thank you Fouzi

  • Exactly Agnieszka, thanks for leaving your comment.

  • Great article. going to share. I have lots such a experiences and is really hard to go forward if people around do not support. even worst : they try to bring down . 

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