The Daily Meditation 1.14.2014
God is that Amazing Presence of Love, Joy, Abundance and Perfection
Ardy Skinner, RScP

God is that Amazing Presence of Love, Joy, Abundance, Perfection, and Infinite Power. It is this Power that fills Life with Infinite Possibility!
I am one with this presence and have the amazing love, joy, abundance, perfection and infinite power in the center and core of my being. And just as I know this is true for me, I also know this is true for you.
You are this presence of amazing love, abundance, perfection and infinite power! We are this power that has infinite possibility in every single moment.
In knowing this, I realize right now that this power is at hand and heart. We do not have to find it, we simply allow the nature of its perfection to flow through us as us. I feel it in every cell of my body, I experience it in every thought, and I see it in every action! We realize this presence of joy as we meet every moment! We see the abundance in every thing! We know it’s perfection as it shines through all things! This infinite power can’t help but pour through us because it is WHO WE ARE! And as we live in this realization, every moment is met with amazing light and shines upon all things!
I give great thanks for the perfection in you and me! I am so grateful we have this infinite presence within every moment and I am so grateful we know that it is in the center of our being!
I release my word knowing that it can’t help but be expressed, for my word always manifests in all its glory! It is done and it is here!
And so it is!
Ardy Skinner is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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Excellent and so true...Thank you Ardy