Have you ever.....
At some point in my life, I've experienced all of those things. In some aspects of my life, I still do.
The difference between before and now is that I no longer mistake the icing for the cake. That may not make sense off the bat, so let me explain...
As pleasure-seeking pain-avoiding creatures, we all want to move towards financial abundance, awesome relationships, and peace of mind and heart. We'll also try just about anything to make it happen.
(which is why we all can relate to having not succeeded at a "Have you ever?" goal)
We may try working longer hours, try to "lose" weight (talk about a backwards thing to affirm!), meditating more, whatever it takes to step towards the lives we want to create... and quite honestly... deserve. Yet we can feel frustrated when we don't see the progress we expect in the important aspects of our lives.
This is what I refer to as the "icing." It's all the outer world stuff we seek to manifest. Like icing, it's sweet and yummy!
(at least in my chocoholic sweet-toothed opinion...)
The thing is, success in ANY area of life all comes down to REAL abundance. I define abundance as "freedom," so specifically I'm referring to the experience of truly feeling free. THAT is what success is all about.
Therefore, it's really important to grasp that abundance is not something outside of ourselves that we have to work hard to earn. It's within ourselves. It's the actual cake that we're made of. And to take it even one step deeper...
As humans, we are naturally meant to experience abundance in every aspect of our lives. Thinking that we have to commit blood, sweat and tears to earn our natural inheritance of abundance is just like thinking that we have to prove we're worthy of the kindness, dignity and respect of those around us.
We don't have to prove it. It's our birthright. We just have to recognize the Truth of who we are.
- Tried something new before and not succeeded?
- Really really wanted something but didn't know how to get it?
Wished there was an easier way to...
- Find your soulmate?
- Enjoy a fulfilling career that you shine in?
- Maintain an ideal weight and state of health?
- Or simply feel happier and more peaceful?
Click Here If Your Answer Is 'YES' |
The difference between before and now is that I no longer mistake the icing for the cake. That may not make sense off the bat, so let me explain...
As pleasure-seeking pain-avoiding creatures, we all want to move towards financial abundance, awesome relationships, and peace of mind and heart. We'll also try just about anything to make it happen.
(which is why we all can relate to having not succeeded at a "Have you ever?" goal)
We may try working longer hours, try to "lose" weight (talk about a backwards thing to affirm!), meditating more, whatever it takes to step towards the lives we want to create... and quite honestly... deserve. Yet we can feel frustrated when we don't see the progress we expect in the important aspects of our lives.
This is what I refer to as the "icing." It's all the outer world stuff we seek to manifest. Like icing, it's sweet and yummy!
(at least in my chocoholic sweet-toothed opinion...)
The thing is, success in ANY area of life all comes down to REAL abundance. I define abundance as "freedom," so specifically I'm referring to the experience of truly feeling free. THAT is what success is all about.
Therefore, it's really important to grasp that abundance is not something outside of ourselves that we have to work hard to earn. It's within ourselves. It's the actual cake that we're made of. And to take it even one step deeper...
As humans, we are naturally meant to experience abundance in every aspect of our lives. Thinking that we have to commit blood, sweat and tears to earn our natural inheritance of abundance is just like thinking that we have to prove we're worthy of the kindness, dignity and respect of those around us.
We don't have to prove it. It's our birthright. We just have to recognize the Truth of who we are.
We're now playing as adults. Not just any adults. We're playing as adults who still have those childhood dreams living deep within our hearts.

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Thank you very much Angela and Merle, appreciate it. Much Success and God bless.
Awesome post Mercutio. Very interesting and expressive. Great products as well. Thanks for sharing Triple Clicks with us. Much Success to you. Liked and Shared.
I think I come under all 4 of the above !! Great post, thanks for sharing.
Thank you Terri, its always a privilege and I appreciate it very much. Have a good one too.
Awesome Mercutio and I agree with every word in your post. I have shared on Facebook, Google+ and tweeted. Have a great day.