We’re writing this post because, as Christians, we are fed up with corrupt politicians who lie, steal, and cheat, have no integrity, are hypocritical incompetents, and abuse their power. Their main interest is in padding their personal bank accoun
freedom (24)
A Marketers gut feeling can save their life in business. Many a business deals have been broken or made on a gut feeling alone.
First let me tell you from first hand experience how important a gut feeling might be in your life...
I spent every summer a
We put living free in danger without a second thought by doing things that are common place in today's society.
I'm sure you by now have heard that the school systems are going to or are thinking seriously about not teaching cursive writing anymore.
A decade ago, I was in a totally different place. I was in my first marriage, with a little baby and we were so poor. My husband worked as an art teacher in a high school and I was trying to find work that would be worth the child care cost. He was a
Baby Boomers Starting A Business in Their 50’s
It has been said that starting a business in your 50’s will keep you healthy and keep the mind active, plus you have a 70% chance of succeeding !!
Times have been hard in the UK for baby boomers trying to
If you will not change nothing will change
In case you want that things will change for you, first of all you have to change yourself. When you would like to do something different in three, five or seven years you have to start today preparing and ca
Definition of W The F!!
No [What Did You Think It Meant?]
Well, to me, because of the Entrepreneural Minds I
hang out with inside Pure Leverage …………….
It Means –
—– Want The Freedom —–
Lets get YOU started today with the
The Daily Meditation 12.01.2013
Knowing Freedom and Abundance
Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
Freedom exists solely for the experience of knowing Life so completely and so intimately that no one can deny it belongs to him or her. In this moment I
Yesterday we covered a great deal of Wealth Principles and I hope you printed out that list and actually studied what I shared, as well as ordered your copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad!
But today, I want you to really think about something.
The Daily Meditation 11.17.2013
Ruzande is Free and He is Home
Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
This prayer is dedicated to Ruzande Malunga who made his transition on Friday afternoon.
The Heart that Beats the Whole World is the Infinite Energy of
Out Going Crazy Marketing Woman Seeks...
Being a Crazy Marketing Woman is not always a bad thing when used in a good way! I mean face it you have those that are trying to get out of murder through insanity pleas of voices in their h
- Tried something new before and not succeeded?
- Really really wanted something but didn't know how to get it?
Wished there was an easier way to...
- Find your soulmate?
- Enjoy a fulfilling career that you shine in?
- Maintain an ideal weight
Financial Freedom vs. Jumping Play Houses
Financial freedom is gained by hard work while keeping your feet planted firmly on the ground. It is not gained by jumping from one place to another, or one business to another.
The jumping play house effect ha
Financial Freedom 3Tips From One of The Best
Tony's tips for financial freedom calls to attention that freedom is an elusive destination. The complete definition of being financially free starts and ends in each individual's mind.
Most of us have a set
The Freedom to Fly
The freedom to fly is yours but you must stretch your wings. There are those of us that soar and there are those of us that stand on the ground watching the graceful show in the sky.
Which are you? Will you exercise "Your" right to f
Pure Leverage W The F… [Naughty!!]
W The F. …… [What Did You Think It Meant?]
LOL … What did you think it meant?
Well, to me, because of the Entrepreneural Minds I
hang out with inside Pure Leverage …………….
It Means –
—– Want The Freedom —–
Lets get YOU sta
Do You Need Honesty From an Online Coach?
As an Online Coach I would like to have an honest heart to heart talk with you. You see I know that if you are not making any money or are making some but nothing like you want you are frustrated.
How do I know