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How To Create Squeeze Pages That WORK!


Hi Everyone,

George Pierce here.  We all have been told that we need to capture emails so we can grow our list.  Good advice, actually great advice, but when you are new to affiliate marketing, there is much that you have not yet learned about a squeeze page.  

In order to solve this squeeze page problem, many newbies are opting to use a funnel builder.   A funnel builder allows you to use professionally made sales funnels.  A good idea but there is a cost and when you add in a website and autoresponder, it is easy to spend $100 to $200 a month or more. This is exactly what you may be told you need to do, I say that it is a MISTAKE.  HUH? 

 Mistake #1:

Spending money that your business does not yet have is simply not good business.  You can get what your online business needs for free or at a very low cost.  There is no need to spend hundreds of dollars per month when getting started.  One alternative is called AIOP which is a complete marketing platform with everything you need including your website and autoresponder for $11.50 per month. I am and have been a very happy AIOP user for many years.  Do not let the low price fool you, AIOP is the best value on the Internet, I invite you to take a free tour:

Mistake #2:

Your knowledge and understanding of squeeze pages remain very limited.  In order for your online business to grow and to be successful, your knowledge must grow.  The better you understand squeeze pages, the more growth you will see.  

The following is a breakdown or analysis of the components of a squeeze page that I recently made with AIOP.  



 This is an HTML version, SE is not too good with boxes (tables), but I want you to see that the image is a moving image called a GIF.  

 5 Seconds Before Bed

You can Start Right Away

Learn More Now

 green arrow down

 Reason #1:

You can do this 5-second Himalayan Ice Trick before bed to 

Super Charge your sleeping metabolism.  Lose one to two

pounds overnight!


Reason #2: 

Your weight loss is GUARANTEED!  

This will work, this does work, and it will work for YOU.  

Hit Continue for all the details.  

Lose Weight Starting Today

No Exercise 

No Diet

Guaranteed To WORK!



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The following is a snapshot of the squeeze page.  This is what it really looks like, but remember that the image is moving.



I mentioned moving images twice.  The reason is that an animated image or a moving image gets attention.  Our eyes are literally drawn to movement.  Our goal is to grab our visitor's attention IMMEDIATELY.  A GIF is going to help us to achieve our goal. 

For help with creating a GIF with ease, please watch this.


Immediate Connection

There is one other thing that all our web pages need to do, especially our squeeze pages and that is to make an immediate connection with our visitors. The first line on the top right of the GIF is "5 seconds before bed" and our first line below the GIF is "You can do this 5-second Himalayan Ice Trick before bed to Super Charge your sleeping metabolism." 

Below is an example of an image that I am using on Pinterest and other social media sites to send traffic to my squeeze page and then on to my affiliate 

See my previous SE post for details:


If you were to click this image on a social site, as mentioned, you would land on my squeeze page.  What would you EXPECT to see?  And when?

You would expect to see IMMEDIATELY something about a "5-second trick before bed" that is going to help you to lose weight.  The first text that you see on the right or below makes that IMMEDIATE CONNECTION!  I cannot impress upon you how important and how valuable these first two tips are.  

Your benefit is that visitors will stay instead of leave!  Those few extra seconds are enough to get results, especially if you add a little more Squeeze Page Magic. 


Include a bulleted list of benefits, preferably 3 to 5 benefits, which is what I learned many years ago.  I usually do NOT use bullets anymore, since, bullets may be a bit worn out.  

On the other hand, benefits act like a secret sauce when it comes to getting email addresses.  Do not make any false statements, but share some of the benefits that RELATE to what your visitors are looking for. 

Problem or Desire/ Solution.

Your visitors arrive on your squeeze page because they have a problem or a desire and you offer the promise of a solution. 

Be sure to Identify your visitors' problem (or desire) and let them know that there is a solution.  

ARROWS!  Not one but two.

Notice that there are two arrows.  Arrows also get your visitor's attention and literally draw their attention to whatever they are pointing at.  In our case, the arrows point to the most important part of our squeeze page, the sign-up form. 


Do not give away the details!  Your squeeze page is about creating interest or desire, enough to get your visitors to part with their email addresses.  Do NOT sell and do not divulge any details.  Share why your visitors want what your affiliate has to offer and let your affiliate do the selling and provide the details.  Newbies often say too much in an effort to get a conversion.  Saying too much is a huge error. 

No Stealing!?

One of the biggest mistakes that I was guilty of and that most newbies are guilty of, is using content from their affiliates' sales page.  I know that your intentions are good, but you are hurting yourself in two ways.  You are selling which is your affiliates' job, and you are devaluing your affiliate's content.  If your visitors have already seen the content on your page, it loses its power, when they click through.

Tweak And Test!

In order to optimize your results, tweak and test your squeeze pages.  Make this a habit.  Do only one tweak at a time.

For more about A/B testing, I invite you to visit:

Tweaking will teach more about what works and what does not work than you can imagine. 

Right Away!

Notice the use of words such as starting now and right away.  This is a little like what is called an assumed closed, we assume that our visitors are going to click through, and it let's them know that they can start benefitting, and start losing weight right away.  This is exactly what they want, so let your visitors know.  (This is a physical product, nevertheless, once our visitors decide to purchase they want to benefit as soon as possible.)


Notice that the sign-up button does not say submit or sign up.  It says continue.  I have found that CONTINUE seems to get the best results. Try using continue for more sign-ups, more click-throughs, and more sales.  


Pre-made funnels are fast and easy and very tempting, but in addition to the cost, they may rob you of the knowledge that you need.  

Making your own squeeze pages, gets to be easy and fast, and fun.  In addition, each page that you create is unique.  


The Broken DoorBell

Last week, someone was knocking at my door. 

Who is it? 


I do not know any Isabels so I said, Isabel WHO?

Is a bell for the door broken?

Before it got fixed, I had another caller knocking on the door.

Who is it?


I certainly do not know anyone named Scold, so, of course, I said,

Scold Who?

Scold out here, would you answer your door and let me in.  


Thanks for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  I invite you to visit my YouTube channel for free affiliate marketing training.

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  • Top Member

    All great tips and advice in this blog post, especially using the word CONTINUE instead of sign up or submit, thank you for sharing that. I do it on my blog posts and now will plan on doing it on my splash pages that I create. The point is you want your viewer to clickthrough and land on your capture page to get them on your email list. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Allow me to add that GIFs in emails are worth trying.  I have shared that trick for about two years and now the big dogs are using GIFs in emails, so SHHH!   We have only a very few short seconds to grab and keep our visitor's attention and make that connection.  Using the five senses is another very effective strategy, especially for gifted writers, thank you, Terri.  When we set up a 'flow', continue is the next step, I wanted my visitors to continue, and a light went on.  

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