How to Make Money Doing What You Love
Want to know how to make money doing what you love? One word for ya then...
There is no shortage of programs and businesses that you can work on line that will involve something you love to do but for you to work at that business you must have the resolve to get up and do something.
Without resolve your hobby is just a hobby, something you love is just that, something that you love. What it isn't is something you love that you make money at and why?
Because you left out the resolve to make what you love into a business.
If you asked all the people just in the United States alone if they ever wanted to have a business they love and could make good money at that business; the majority will say yes.
So, why aren't all these people successful self employed business men and women? They did not have the resolve to MAKE it happen.
You have to make your DREAM bigger than your REALITY!
Reality will crush your dreams if you let it. Think about what all those Nay Sayers say to you something like, "You need to come back to "Reality"!
Not if you want to make money doing what you love.
Decide what you would love to do, then make the resolve you will do it; then proceed to work toward the goal you set for that business by setting in action the forward motion to get there.
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In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it, Practice it and success will be yours.
Susan J. Boston
800-931-5242 (No sales calls)
Skype: susanjboston
Great article Susan.