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Hello to you. 


I want to say Happy New Year's to you all and that you

have the best year ever. 


With the new year coming, we know what happens. 


People make plans to lose weight, make more money, and leave toxic relationships. 


But in my opinion, most people don't make it past February. 


That is because of a lack of discipline and follow through. 


So, that has led me to create this blog post with how you can make money online. 


But it's not the regular "buy this or do that" post. 


It features real actionable steps to take to make yourself better. 


To read the full blog post, click HERE



So, here are some steps I listed in the blog post that I want to share. 


1)Define your why (Your "why" is going to be the reason why you keep
going when times get hard.

2)Set a goal or destination (Set a plan in action to achieve your goal by writing it down
and getting clear on what you want to achieve.)

3)Use your gift or talent to get there (Use your gift, purpose, or talent to
get to where you want to be financially. )

4)Do your thing and take action each day (Do your thing, whatever it is,
and take action each day to move the
needle of progress in your favor)

5)Grow and become better (Find a mentor or someone that is getting the
results you want. Learn from him/her.
Spend time renewing your thoughts and
shifting your mindset to encourage progress.)

6)Give back to others (Give back to others from your experiences and
help them to achieve the results you have gotten.
Show others how you have gotten a specific result
or solved a particular problem)


At the end of the day, it is not about an affiliate link or offer but it is about having the

right mentality to create change for yourself. 


It is about the mindset and that is what I want to convey. 


Thank you and I hope this is a great year for all of you. 

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John Jackson

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