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John Cory Jackson commented on Terri Pattio's blog post Making Money Online - How?
"Very well said. It is all about giving value. I appreciate your insight. Thank you!"
Feb 20
John Cory Jackson commented on George Pierce's blog post STOP Trying For Home Runs!
"Thank you for sharing this perspective, George. The best home run hitters hit an average of about 30 percent. So, stepping up to the plate to bat is a big part of the battle. "
Feb 20
John Cory Jackson commented on John Cory Jackson's blog post HeyPiggy Review
"Thank you so much, I appreciate your kind words. "
Feb 8
John Cory Jackson commented on George Pierce's blog post Can YT Shorts Help Your Channel?
"I have created a few other YouTube channels and my shorts are either hit or miss. Most of my shorts help boost the visibility of my channels though. I think I need to consider using one of these editors to make my shorts instead of just using my…"
Feb 5
John Cory Jackson commented on George Pierce's blog post Funny Online Flop!
"Mistakes can be great learning experiences, when we treat them as such. Thank you for sharing the perspective, George. "
Feb 5
John Cory Jackson posted a blog post
Survey Sites Get A Bad Rap.
Survey sites often get a bad rap.
They are seen as a time-wasting activity.
Many online gurus will tell you not to waste your time with them.
But I disagree.
In all honesty, paid surveys aren't the best way to…
Feb 5
John Cory Jackson commented on John Cory Jackson's blog post 3 Ways Introverts Can Make Money Online
"Thank you George, I appreciate the compliment and I always appreciate your support. "
Feb 3
John Cory Jackson posted a blog post
The Introvert Is Misunderstood
In the online world, everything is loud and boisterous.
That may throw off an introvert like myself.
Introverts in the digital marketing space can perhaps be made to feel inferior.

But even in the online…
Feb 2
John Cory Jackson commented on John Cory Jackson's blog post How Do I Make Money Online Free?
"Thank you so much, I appreciate you. I appreciate your support. "
Jan 1
John Cory Jackson commented on John Cory Jackson's blog post How Do I Make Money Online Free?
"Thank you George, I appreciate you as always! You, my friend, are not the misinformation people. LOL"
Jan 1
John Cory Jackson posted a blog post
The Wild World Of Making Money Online The "make money online" world can seem like the Wild West. There is a lot of misinformation about creating online income. The truth is you don't need to pay money to create online income.  You just need the…
Dec 31
John Cory Jackson commented on George Pierce's blog post Give It A Try ~ NOW!
"It's all about that mindset change to take a risk. If nothing changes, nothing changes. "
Dec 28, 2024
John Cory Jackson posted a blog post
Earning With Surveys One of the easiest ways to earn online is with surveys.  While surveys won't create life changing income, they can help pay for groceries, gas, streaming services, and other everyday expenses. That is why I will recommend…
Dec 28, 2024
John Cory Jackson commented on John Cory Jackson's blog post How To Create Better Ad Copy
"Yes, you are right. It is a good, simple formula to follow to boost your results. Thank you! "
Nov 2, 2024
John Cory Jackson posted a blog post
The Right Words... Using the right words can help you get your ads seen. Of course, that is easy to say but much harder to do. The truth is that your words, my words have power.  You can use that power to create momentum in your online business. I…
Oct 31, 2024
John Cory Jackson commented on John Cory Jackson's blog post The Best Way To Create Income
"Wow, love this. Very well said and it is definitely food for thought. Thank you for sharing. "
Sep 12, 2024