Instant Income Is Possible If...
Instant Income is possible if you sell products. Selling products directly is the fastest income you can make on line.
Affiliate programs and systems are fine but rarely do they reward you with instant income which is over 90% of what those searching for on-line work is looking for.
In the unlikely event you have a load of sign-ups in affiliate marketing right off, most of affiliate programs will hold back your payments.
Don't get upset there is a good reason they do this.
It keeps the cheaters from gathering a lot of people signing them up; then after the cheating affiliates get paid the sign ups all quit.
So, even though these businesses might pay just fine; it could take you awhile before the money comes to you.
This makes getting instant income impossible through that avenue. However, if you sell a product or products most of the money is paid to you directly.
The problem with the phrase (sell products) tends to panic people. The majority of people you might ask would tell you, "I can't sell anything!". Yet they will join Affiliate Programs.
Just for the record: You have to sell in Affiliate Programs too! The difference is the word sell is masked with the word prospecting.
If you want to make a good living on-line get with a program that first will pay you 100% profits. There are very few of those and fewer still that will pay that on a residual bases.
Meaning you don't just get paid one time for your work but over and over.
Susan J. Boston
Skype: susanjboston