It Can't Wait, I Have To Say It Now!


I wanted to do a video, but it's pressing on me, and I have to say it now. I want to thank everyone who has read my wall posts, my blog posts, visited my business website pages, my blog and Facebook Page. Thank you for sharing them via Twitter, Facebook, IBO, Google+, etc. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to support me. You cannot understand how joyful my heart is right now. For me to know that I have inspired, encouraged, or motivated someone is far more valuable than anything. I want to continue to allow God to use me to reach as many people as possible. I've always wanted to know how I can help people, encourage people and writing is something that I have always used an outlet and I'm grateful to be used. I am happy being behind the scenes, but I know I'm going to have to get out in front of the people. I don't need a fancy title or my name in bright lights, but I know that the title God has given me, He has equipped me to handle the responsibilities. I'm reminded of a song that says 'if I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living will not be vain.' I want to continue to encourage everyone to continue to pursue your dreams and goals to better yourself through perseverance, commitment, dedication and humility. Don't let your comfort zone become uncomfortable in order for you to make positive moves in the right direction. It's time to board the flight called Present because your destination is Greatness! Looking forward to continue to motivate and inspire! Forward Thinking-Forward Moving!


Be Blessed, Be Inspired, Be Encouraged!


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  • Great share Carla. Keep talking from the heart and people will receive the message. By the way, I am on day 8 of doing 100 videos in 100 days and another challenge I am actually on day 47 of doing 90 in 90 days. So I have completed over 54 videos in the last 47 days (in a row). I had to cross "completing videos" off of my procrastination list - lol   Thanks again for being you and continue to share your knowledge and gifts you have been blessed with.

    Your Uplifting Life Partner

    Ron "Simplified" Myers 

  • Greatly appreciated!
  • Thanks for sharing Carla.  Inspiration is always needed.  Continue to be a blessing to others and be blessed in the meantime.  Liked and Shared.

  • Lovely words Carla and thank you for sharing your kind thoughts.

  • Sandy, I'm so grateful that my post was a blessing to you!

  • This is beautiful, Carla and you have blessed my day :)

  • Thank you! I just noticed the 3Bs :-)
  • Carla, I enjoyed your post and will tweet for you.  It is a joy when we can bless the lives of others. I also enjoyed your 3 B's Be Blessed, Be Inspired, Be Encouraged! 

  • Top Member

    I'm so happy for you Carla and I look forward to reading more inspiration and motivation from you. I have shared your post for many more people to see.

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