Words of wisdom that I hope will help at least one person.
The only way to fail is to quit, as long as you are trying, you are moving forward. It is when you quit, you throw yourself into
Words of wisdom that I hope will help at least one person.
The only way to fail is to quit, as long as you are trying, you are moving forward. It is when you quit, you throw yourself into
It Is Mom’s Special Day – Make Her Smile!
By Sandy Blomstrom
As you probably know, Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 11th is an important Holiday on the calendar.
Although it is not recognized as a Federal Holiday, it is still a pretty big deal for most fam
“We aim above the mark to hit the mark.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something.”–Henry David Thoreau
“In the long run, men hit only wha
The Daily Meditation 11.11.2013
Divine Inspiration
Joy Lynn Hertz, RScP
Creating sacred space in my life is as important to my well being as breathing. It is crucial for my peace of mind. Every inspired thought begins with a whisper in my ear. And so
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” –Zig Ziglar
It is important to know that your attitude will always determine your altitude, wheth
Save your self and don't drink the poison that is anger. Anger is not something that is normal within your soul however, you can lock anger into your mind and heart.
When you lock that anger in it seeps into yo
“Happiness” is essentially a state of going somewhere wholeheartedly.” –W H Sheldon
The Purpose is the gearing up of your own life through the
I wanted to do a video, but it's pressing on me, and I have to say it now. I want to thank everyone who has read my wall posts, my blog posts, visited my business website pages, my blog and Facebook Page. Thank you for sharing them via T
PRAYER is the conscious contact you make with you Super Conscious Mind. It has been said that the Creative Spirit of God which created you, as well as, the world around you, has the ability along
It’s possible to control your future by controlling your thoughts.
Attitude is more important than facts.
Regardless of the “facts,” your attitude must remai
It's important to live today as though there were no Tomorrow for this reason:
"None of US Are Guaranteed Tomorrow!"
Lost hours and minutes add up. Time management experts tell us that 20 percent of our time brings 80 percent of the results. Theref
Caring Has No Borders!
Today, I’m allowing myself to feel. Just let them wash over me like a wave. I know they will recede, like a wave. What astounds me is they, my feelings of connectedness and care and sympathy were brought on by the knowledge
Believe in yourself, I am sure that you have often been told this so many times . If you want to be successful in the Network Marketing world then you have to believe in yourself and develop your self esteem. Irish Jim will highlight some ways to hel