Learning From Disaster Survivors
Learning Marketing from disaster survivors my come as a surprise. I have done some learning from disaster survivors this past year and God knows we have had plenty.
To see a Fema list of 2013 disasters: Click Here
Short list:
- Tornado in Moore Okla
- Bombing in Boston
- Texas Fertilizer Plant
Some were very close to me some quite far away but each and every time, I sat glued to my TV with my heart bleeding and aching for those effected. Naturally, I as most do shared my concern and feelings with other people. This is what I found:
- Some felt the same
- Some would not even watch
- Some just didn't care
- Some just glanced at the news stories
Now I have a feeling, if you have been in marketing anytime at all you can correlate the connection here to prospecting in marketing. But, that's not your lesson here just pointing something out.
This is the lesson: (First however tiny bit of homework)
[ I want you to go real fast, Google a disaster and look at the rubble. Now I realize that unless this actually happen to you then you cannot totally accomplish this, but try and imagine this was something that happen to you. ]
Sitting this past year watching all the disasters that have occurred throughout the United States alone, each time I could feel the shadow of loss,pain and being totally disoriented.
I can't even dream of what the real thing must be like, I hope I never am faced with that type of Chaos.
Each and every time without fail however, I have seen people in the throws of complete devastation telling the world, " We will come back, we will rebuild, we will be stronger."
I don't know about you, but in all my life of marketing never have I face a disaster like the people in real life have and you have to think...
If that's the attitude it takes to come back, rebuild and be stronger than ever, is there any wonder that 98% of the people working on line don't make it?
In real disasters you have no control you have no choice; if you want to live you just decide to succeed.
Unfortunately, in marketing you do have the choice.
Make the right one people.
P.S. If by any chance you can afford to give any amount possible to the Red Cross or any of the disaster relief programs that help in times of disaster please do!
Caring is all there is without that all is lost,
Susan J Boston
Skype: susanjboston
Hi Sandy,
Yes, it is true it is your reaction to that problem. That's why you can have two children in the same family that are abused and one grows up fine and the other becomes a serial killer. Perception and reaction is what dictates our lives and how we live them,
Thank you for your comment,
I have heard time and time again that it isn't the problem that determines whether you overcome or not, it is your reaction. I have seen people rise above impossible circumstances and come back stronger than before. It is our attitude that makes the difference. God always makes a way! Thanks for sharing this fine post, Susan.
HI Kat,
I am glad you like it :) thank you so much for your comment. I hope I never have to walk in the shoes of those up in Moore OK.
I do know they have lots of prayers :)
Thank you again for your comment,
Thanks for sharing Susan. Wow well done. I think some people are de-sensitized by seeing so much violence etc in the movies that we watch. We must remain human in every way and let ourselves feel what others are going through. Many people naturally think, "It won't happen to me" and then fall over when it does happen. These catastrophies can happen to anyone. I love the saying... "put yourself into someone else's shoes". Keep up the great work Susan!
Thank you Angela,
Yes it is I know there are many praying for them. Thank yo for your comment
Excellent article Susan. It's heart wrenching to see all these disaster's happening and the people they affect. Let our prayers go up and the blessings come down upon them. Thanks for sharing. Liked and shared.
Hi Merle,
Thank you for the comment. Yes watching the after math is awful it was just mind bending sitting here in Texas knowing that what I was wactching was happening just up to our North. I mean I just sat and watch live as it was going on from the local channel here and I don't think I even breathed. I mean when you saw that thing you knew death was coming. I hope every one will keep them in their prayers. :)
Thank you again for your comment,
Hi Terri,
Yes, it if frightening I can't think what it would be like to have lost a child in that school. I cant think what stepping out of a storm shelter and suddenly its over you come out and there's nothing left.
Yet those people time and time again trun to the camera and say, "We will come back" this is the 3rd time if not more that town has been hit really bad. Yet "They will com back." It is amazing the power of human will.
Thank you for your comment Terri :)
Excellent post Susan and it has been dreadful watching it on the TV, my heart goes out to all those people. Thanks for sharing.
Susan the natural disasters are so frightening for people and the reality is people must deal with it. That is why we must help one another. So any chance to help organizations like the Red Cross and other non profits will be a blessing to someone in need when disasters strikes. Sharing this post for more caring people like you to see. Have a great day.