The Daily Meditation 11.19.2013
Life Unfolds in Divine Right Order
Dianne Martin, RScP
There is one infinite presence. All is connected to and comes from the infinite presence that is God. I recognize life as one harmonious unity which includes all that is or ever was. There is no end and no beginning to God; there is no end and no beginning to life. There is only God and God is unconditional love.
I am one with God. There is no separation and as I know this is true for me, I know it is true for Ruzande and I know it is true for each one reading this prayer. I know that Ruzande is a perfect manifestation of God. He is that unconditional love that is God.
I accept that God is in everything, in life and in death. I know that Ruzande rests easily in the arms of God. I declare that Ruzande knows the love and support our community gives him and knows that our support is infinite. And, I declare that although Ruzande’s physical body is gone, he is always present in our hearts. Ruzande’s true essence as Spirit lives on eternally. Ruzande’s light is kept alive in all of us and that light blesses everyone we come in contact with. Ruzande’s God quality of unconditional love are present with us now and forever.
I give thanks for knowing that life is eternal and that Ruzande continues on his path of spiritual evolution. I am thankful for knowing Ruzande in this life and I am grateful knowing that Ruzande lives on in our hearts. I’m grateful that I have the opportunity to honor Ruzande’s life by following his example of living a life of unconditional love.
Accepting that life and death are both a part of eternal life, I release my word into the law and know that life unfolds in divine right order.
And so it is.
Dianne Martin is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.