The Daily Meditation 2.03.2014
“ Love – The Most Powerful Presence”
Ardy Reed, RScP
In recognizing this presence, I know and declare that this amazing flow of power flows through me and you in every given moment. It is this magnificent flow that guides us in every circumstance we meet– and I know that every circumstance is met with the rooted knowing that love is the most powerful presence we have and share! Each circumstance is met with this amazing presence. Perfection is the outcome! The beacon of light within you and me shines and is so attractive that everyone around us basks in it’s amazing and loving warmth! It is this presence that allows one another to recognize the oneness in which we are!
I am so grateful knowing this is true for you and me! I am ever so thankful for the knowing that your beacon of light is shining on so many! I give great thanks knowing that this consciousness is spreading throughout our community and world!
I release my word knowing that law always brings forth precisely what I speak into it– and know that this is here right now!
I am so grateful knowing this is true for you and me! I am ever so thankful for the knowing that your beacon of light is shining on so many! I give great thanks knowing that this consciousness is spreading throughout our community and world!
I release my word knowing that law always brings forth precisely what I speak into it– and know that this is here right now!
And so it is!
Ardy Reed is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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